Saturday, June 30, 2012

Summer outfits sure to please.

I love fashion blogs, my newest online obsession. So I thought I'd share some of their summer looks that I think we should all try out. Summer is the time to dress pretty and not be cold. So I think we should all embrace it and wear some cute outfits.
Though I don't wear pants, those who do should get a white pair. And wear a bright summery top with them. But please say no to this necklace because it's horrible.
When I saw this I about died. I mean how cute can this be? TOO CUTE. But this outfit is perfect to a summer night out dinner or a summer wedding. It's perrrfect.
I like this because it is for a casual summer day. And it is an outfit that can be used for almost all occasions. I love pairing the jean jacket, and the long length in the back is a cool touch. This is suuppa great.
This is a more formal girly outfit. But it could be great for church, a date, honestly I would wear it wherever. But not only is it adorable and girly, it is very mature and grown up. Which means this skirt could be an investment piece in your wardrobe and that's always a good thing.
Okay I even like this mucho. And this is when light wash jeans are acceptable, especially if they are boyfriend jeans. But pairing them with that blouse is genius, this jean and blouse thing is also very in right now and everyone who wears jeans should make it happen. And even though I don't find heels practical this can be cute for the right occasion.
For shorts I think cut offs that don't show your butt are okay. And when paired with the striped shirt I love. Though I don't get shorts and really we should look at ourselves in shorts before we decide to wear them, this look is a good one.
For a more dressed up short look I like this. The blazer makes the outfit and I also think blazers are great to invest in. She just looks awesome and if you have jean shorts make this happen!
This is a good look, somewhat laid back somewhat professional. It's an easy look to put together too. The shoes are also just adorable, with the ankle clasp. Ah now we all need to go shopping and put together some great summer outfits!
Last but not least, I like this. As long as this is worn any day but the 4th of July. But the skirt is great with the blouse. It's too good. I want to be wearing this now. And you should too. 

I hope some of these things inspired you. Maybe not apparently my style isn't everyone's style. Who knew?
Well in honor of this Katy Perry filled week, at least to me this week is about Katy Perry. I thought I'd leave some of my new favorites and some old.

Katy Perry- Part of Me (very empowering)
Katy Perry- Wide Awake ( A lesson we all as women have to learn at some point, there will always be that jerk guy)

Katy Perry- The one that got away (It mentions the Johnny Cash, what's not to love?)

Katy Perry- Thinking of you (saddd)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Challenge.

Since you are reading this you are obligated to participate in the challenge. I think we all need a little prompting from time to time, so here's what we need to do. Throughout this next week let's actually inquire about someone's life. And no I am not just talking about how have you been? what's your summer look like? Oh no I'm asking us to do more. We need to ask those around us specific questions. Perhaps about something they were doing this last year. Let them tell you all about it, every aspect they remember. I think we need to give those around us the chance to speak and  open up with us. This is obviously something we need to continue doing. But if I ask for us to find someone to talk with this week, I have a feeling it will happen. You might remember this in your next conversation and then hopefully it can become a pattern in our daily lives. We will be the caring friend when no one else will listen. We will be the loving ones that others want to spend time with. We can make a difference and spread it around to those we know. So here's to making an effort with those around us. A real effort that means we have to listen when they talk and pay attention. Let's be better friends and family members. Let's do what we are called to do. Because if we don't  then what good could we possibly be doing in the world. I vow to try harder with wanting to hear the stories of those around me and I hope you do too. Here's a perfect, bubbly summer song.
Brandon and Leah- Life Happens

Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer Rain.

Normally rain isn't my thing. That's something Natasha loves. And sun is my thing. But I have this special place in my heart for summertime rain and thunder storms. I love everything about it. Though, I feel the rain is ruining the trials and I feel sooo bad for the visitors ( we don't make much of an impression do we?). But there's nothing like a good summertime rain. To think, to nap, to cuddle with bunnies, and to be sappy. I love being sappy when it's raining. I find myself putting on some Taylor Swift or some Louis Armstrong. I think about life, love and aspirations. Rain is perfect for a cup of coffee and some deep thinking. Maybe a time to work on our spiritual lives, or a time to fix a broken relationship. Either way I feel as if rain is a time to repair ourselves and lives. A break from the busy days just to stop, think, and hopefully change for the better. Because really the only change I think we should ever be interested in, is to change our selves for the greater good, to show the love the Lord has for all things. I think this rain storm has brought me some thoughts so I decided I will share them. I feel I need to open up with others and smile more. This week I have found my interactions lacking, I haven't given my full attention to others as I should have. With that I vow to say hi to others more often and inquire about their lives. Since I believe relationships are the most important thing I should actually demonstrate that in my own life. I also have found myself to hold back. There are many times when I find myself quiet around others. Which isn't always a bad thing but I know that I need to speak up and make an effort to talk to those around me. Hopefully this post or the rain has brought you some reflection on your own life, what you can work on. Let's give love to all those around us, let's vow to make this actually happen. Here are some songs about rain (I'm pretty sure they might all be country), but take the time to listen to them and reflect on who you'd like to be tomorrow.

Clint Black- Like the Rain
Gary Allen-Songs about Rain
Trisha Yearwood- Georgia Rain
Eli Young Band- When It Rains

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


We all love summer right? I don't think we've ever encountered someone who doesn't love summer. We are basically programed to love the light. Hm... weird that our instinct is to love the light, that doesn't sound like a given from the Lord at all. Today I was tanning, which probably doesn't surprise any of you. I know you know that I love tanning but, sometimes we have to consider why I'm so drawn to it. Well I wasn't always like this. (By the way my goal for this blog isn't to write about me specifically, it's blog for all of us together living our lives, but this topic is very special to me, and yes I'm getting to the point). The summer I turned 14, I grew up. And not only because I was entering high school but that summer changed me in ways I cannot explain without telling you stories of that summer. I really love telling stories, so if you don't like my stories bear with me please? He was the first person I ever whole-heartedly liked. He never did anything wrong, solely impacted my life in many ways. Looking back it's like he was the best friend I have ever had. Probably part of the reason I don't believe in best friends anymore, but there is also more to that. I hope you all meet someone in your life who really gets you. I imagine we all will, and maybe we will meet multiple people like that in our lifetimes, I really don't know. But what I do know is that all this time he understood who I was and what I thought. Part of it is that he sits and truly tries to understand those around him. And I do believe that we should all try to take the time and think about those around us. I even like to make up fake stories about them. But that's definitely a way he impacted my life, he taught me to be more observant. Through all the years I felt this heartbreak, I have come to realize what a blessing his presence in my life was. Even when I spilled my heart out to him last year and he didn't feel the same he continued to be kind. I have never shown anyone this, so I guess it's why I'm doing it now. Here's a bit of what he wrote to me, which in turn broke my heart in the best way possible. Okay breaking news I lied. I just tried to find the kind words, but he deleted the messages. Let's dissect this a bit shall we? And yes this is getting off topic but this is so interesting right? He deleted the message I wrote about all the hurt he caused me over the years, and the kind note he wrote about how I am too kind and how I'm going to change the world or  something silly like that, and he deleted my note about wanting to spend time with him despite it all. But here's where it gets weird he kept the last note I wrote to him. I just read it and realized why he kept it. I told him all that I saw in him, and all that others see in him. And if you've met him, you probably know what I mean. But what bothers me is that the kind words he wrote to me he deleted, what is this?!? That's just not fair. Either way I remember them. The funny thing is that six years later this situation still confuses me and has me on edge. Though I've finalllyyyyy, I mean finalllyy been able to get over the liking him stage. I'm still worried about him, and confused as to what did deleted all of that. But then kept the last part. I guess it gives me hope in some weird way, because at the end I told him I wanted to talk to him again when he was ready whether that was "today, tomorrow, three months from now or never". So maybe one day the person that I've found who understands me fully I can actually call friend. For the first time in my life. For now I pray for his well being, whatever is going on in his life wherever he is. Whether he's down the street ( that would actually piss me off if he was really down the street this whole year) or he is far away in a state called Arizona dare I say? I hope he's doing well.  I hope we all can find those besides our family and close friends that we continuously pray for everyday, I feel that it's so important to remember all of those that may not be in our lives currently. He's a wonderful person who hasn't seen it yet. And I think we all are. We just need to see the light we can bring to the world. My heart may always break when I think of him, while I'm in the sun or doing whatever. But I wouldn't trade it for the world knowing that someone got what I am trying to say before I say it. For now I leave you with some beautiful ldr. And when your heart breaks for whatever reason, remember the good that came from the situation not the bad. Good memories only.
Lana Del Rey- Goodbye Kiss (Cover)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

New Music that I have recently encountered.

Ed Sheeran- The A Team
Ed Sheeran-Give Me Love
Eden's Edge- Feels so Real
Josh Turner- Time Is Love


I think we justify our actions and decisions too often. What I mean by this is, we will do something, say something, or think something and then compare it to what another did in a situation and think that we did better in that senario. All of this comes from a moral standpoint for me. I think that we look at what we think our moral code should be and when others fail to meet it we simply look at them and think we're doing better than them. I think this idea may be quite abstract and maybe you don't even understand what I'm trying to get across, but I'm trying. This thought came to me as I was falling asleep last night and it bothered me a lot. We spend part of our days thinking about others, which is great. And a side note to that would be if we don't spend part of our days thinking about others, I feel we are in great need for some change. But when we think about them what goes through our minds? That they are having a joyful day? That they are accomplishing what they're trying to get done? Or are we thinking about a mistake they made recently. And how we didn't do the same thing, so somehow we are better off than they are. We really need to catch ourselves in the action and stop this thought process. It's not fair to them, we all make mistakes, and maybe what they are doing isn't a mistake. Who are we to judge? We aren't allowed to do that really. So let's care for them but not in a way that we look down on them and what they do with their lives. Our small differences made will make an impact.
This song just came on as I was writing this and it's the perfect song to end with. Let's just say that I think the Lord is apparently here with me now.
Thompson Square-Glass

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Love, heartbreak and the whole crazy thing.

I have this thought, well to be honest I'm sure I have more thoughts about things than I really should have. But either way I like to write them down, so I do. As a girl I'm quite sappy and love to have sappy reminders to remember a certain time in my life. Whether that reminder is a song or an acutal tangable momentum, I love it all. I have more keep sake boxes than I can count, and all songs bring me back to a certain memory. I honestly think that's the way we should listen to music. However you listen to music is your own thing. But I do feel strongly that whenever we put our hearts out there for a boy, girl or whatever you please we should have a song to remind us of how we felt with them, about them, and how the struggles and joy made us feel. For me personally I make all of those songs a Taylor Swift song. Whenever I go through something (when I like a boy), I give him a Taylor Swift song. That song is forever his and no one elses. And no none of the boys I've ever cared about know about this or know their song. But if they ever asked I would just let them know. On a side note: I guess I'm just like that I want to be straight up with everyone, especially a guy I like. It's so difficult for me not to tell him what's up, it doesn't matter if he cares or not, I just like to have it all out on the table. But this post has two purposes, for you to hear the songs and wonder who they are about, and for you to hopefully do this for yourself. It's kind of like therapy during a though time. Whatever you felt for them you can remember while listening to the song, but like all things songs end. So when it ends we can be thankful for the time we had to let it out, and move on to something else. I personally only have four songs. Of course I've liked more than four boys in my life, but only four really impacted me. Whether that was painful, joyful or a lesson learned, these boys deserve songs. So this is for the four of you.

These songs are in order of how they first appeared into my life. And I'll describe a bit, maybe when you listen you'll just know who I'm trying to convey.

Taylor Swift- Tim McGraw
This song came out right when the end of this boy happened. It was everything I needed. I've found it even describes the relationship quite well. He's the one that has hurt me the most. But I guess that's the way it's supposed to be right? The first cut hurts the deepest. Well it did for me, and probably you too. He's a wonderful person and doesn't know it, and my best thoughts are sent to him all of the time.
Taylor Swift- Stay Beautiful
This boy I really wish the best for. Not that I don't wish the best for the others, because I really truly do. But this one is finding his way slowly but surely. I think he may have found the right girl, and I really hope that's true. Because he deserves the best after all these years.
Taylor Swift- Breathe
Though this may be the saddest of all the songs. It was no where near the biggest heartbreak I've ever encountered. But the end of this boy happened too late at night to recall the time. I really thought we had something, it was slowly beginning and I thought I was wrong about the Tim McGraw boy. But turns out it wasn't anything I ever really wanted. He wasn't always the kindest, but now he is. And I couldn't be more extatic about that. Becuase he truly is great.
Taylor Swift- Untouchable
I didn't know what song to choose for this boy. The others have been set in stone for a long time. But this one is different and I can't tell you why. But this has been the final conclusion for this song. It's a good fit. This boy is a wonderful person. Has my heart been broken? I'm not sure. This one has left me wondering for too long. But either way this is really just my plea of a song. If I had to say one thing to him, I'm pretty sure this would be it.
I really do hope you do this at some point when you have free time, like now? Because for the rest of my life I'll have this spot for them. They have taught me so much. They brought me smiles, tears, and confusion. I wouldn't trade these experiences for the world. Each one of these boys has made me who I am today. I hope you can look on your past experiences and see that too.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Scotty McCreery.

I have no idea why I keep writing about Country singers. But for some reason I think their life stories have great meaning and need to be heard. I was first interested in Scotty when I saw him win American Idol in 2011. His voice was so similar to Josh Turner's (another amazing country artist with a very low voice). This last winter I also went to a Brad Paisley concert where he opened the show. Right then and there I knew there were so many special things I needed to learn about him. So of course I went online and learned all I could. The first thing that touched me was that this high school senior (who happened to graduate yesterday on my birthday!) was that he posted his testimony on his fan web page. Never in my life have a seen a singer put something like that out there for the world to see. A review of his testimony would be that he grew up in a small town in North Carolina named Garner. His family has gone to the same small town baptist church since he was born. When he was 12 he committed his life to the Lord. He grew up to sing in church, school musicals, and play baseball. In his junior year he entered American Idol and won. My favorite part of his testimony would have to be about his faith throughout this process of new fame, "Being away from home for such a long period of time, many would think my
relationship with Christ might suffer when in fact it has grown stronger day by day. I've been away from my home church and all of the people I've grown up with so Christ has been the only one I can lean on when times get tough. This Idol experience has been the time of my life but there have been days it has been so tough that I wanted to throw in the towel and head home. Then I'm reminded of my favorite verse, Philippians 4: 13, "I can do all things through CHRIST who strengthens me." Jesus has gotten me through this journey so far and He continues to do so every day! He's there for all of us! All we have to do is call on Him." He has had some real growing up to do in this last year, but continues to mature gracefully in everything he does. I can't wait to see what he does in the future, he will be making an impact I'm sure. This next fall he will be attending North Carolina University, and you have no idea how many times I have thought about transferring there (in all seriousness). As far as his music and voice are concerned he is amazing, you cannot tell how young he is when he sings he honestly sounds about 30. Here are some of my favorites..
Scotty McCreery- Please Remember Me
Scotty McCreery-That Old King James
Scotty McCrerry-Water Tower Town

In addition to this Scotty hype, I thought I would mention Phillip Phillips. Phillip won this past year's American Idol. He is fabulous and different. What I really love is how personable and humble he is. He does his own thing and loves being himself. This guy is great and if you check him out on twitter you can see all the random interaction he has with his followers. A very cool laid back guy. And is so Dave Matthews. Here is a performance during the show, and his first single. It also has this Mumford and Sons vibe.

Phillip Phillips- You Got it Bad (Usher's song)
Phillip Phillips- Home

This is Scotty congratulating Phillip after his win. Don't you think they look so much alike? It's just too too good.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Songs for Thought.

Taylor Swift-The Best Day
(I feel like we need to take sometime to remember all our families have done for us, and thank them more often for their unconditional love, they have been there with us when everything else failed).
Leann Rimes- Probably Wouldn't be this way
( We need to be sensitive with those that have lost someone or been broken hearted, I feel strongly that we all need to come together and help those around us that are hurting, our kindness will simply shine light to our love for the Lord).
Ronnie Dunn-Cost of Livin
( Can we all take the time and realize how many are suffering? And take the time to pray for them? And if we can shouldn't we help financially?)
Martina Mcbride- Concrete Angel
( We are so blessed we weren't born into homes with abuse and tragedy or maybe we were, so let's take some time to pray for those children in those situations, pray that they get out and find the love of someone to care for them).
Tim McGraw- When the stars go blue
( This is for a prayer for those with depression, lonliness, and heartbreak. Let's pray for them to find a new hope in life, and for them to know that these times will pass).
Carter's Chord- Love a Little Bigger
(This is for all those that are suffering with less, we need to pray for all struggling for any reason, and with this we will make a difference, I promise).
SHe DAISY- Come Home Soon
(This is for all of those impacted by war, to pray for their wellbeing, strength, and for those in the war, those waiting at home, and those that have lost their loved ones).

To you whom ever may be ready this, I will be here to talk for whatever you need. But I will also be praying for you, in your daily trials. These songs are great to listen to, but there is always more that we could hear.

thank you.

I would like to take some time and thank my friends for last night. So this may not seem like a post anyone else is interested in. But I thank them for taking me to dinner and making my night special. For Mandy, Rachel, Zoe and Kelly taking time out of their day to make my day special. Dinner was delicious! Kelly the gifts were wonderful, and I am also very thankful for the kind words you wrote in the journal. Zoe, oranges and chocolate are the best and you know me to well. From putting on Taylor Swift to dancing to ldr, you know everything I like. Mandy, for being able to see you for the first time in forever and spending time with my crazy ridiculous self. Rachel, for wanting to go home and listen to ldr, that made my night, for being there these last few years. To kelly's mother, for the delicious cake! To Natasha, for trying to come home to me today, the best thought ever. And I can't wait to see you tomorrow! Though we all may not be able to see each other often, our friendships do not change. At the end of the day, we can pick up right where we left off. Through all the high school to college transitions our friendships have remained. I wish Zoe the best in Corvallis next year, she has many new exciting adventures to come, and a new life awaiting her, though I will miss her, I am also so exicited for her to show this world what she's got. To Kelly, going to California tomorrow, to try something new, I'm glad that you are taking chances and going on a big adventure that you've always wanted to, enjoy it all! And I can't wait to spend time with you when you get back. To Rachel, coming to the UofO next year! Let me be the first to welcome you to what I call home! So excited for your biggest life transition yet, and the big girl decisions you have made lately, are going to take you exciting and new places. To Mandy, for working so hard these last few years, I am proud, from your great work ethic, to your dedication for your education, you are making it through and it's amazing! To Natasha, I know you were unsure about what this next year is to bring, but I know it all has a reason and you are going to impact lives, it's beautiful and I'm so glad to call you my friend. Here's the last quote from One Tree Hill, that I think is very fitting and it is my wish for every single one of you who is reading this:

" It's the oldest story in the world. One day, you're seventeen and planning for someday. And then quietly without you really noticing, someday is today, and then someday is yesterday. And this is your life. We spend so much time wanting, pursuing, wishing, but ambition is good. Chasing things with integrity is good, dreaming. If you had a friend you knew you'd never see again, what would you say? If you could do one last thing for someone you love, what would it be? Say it. Do it. Don't wait. Nothing lasts forever. Make a wish, and place it in your heart. Anything you want, everything you want. Do you have it? Good. Now believe it can come true. You never know where the next miracle's gonna come from. The next memory. The next smile. The next wish come true. But if you believe that it's right around the corner...  You open your heart and mind to the possibility of it, to the certainty of it. You just might get the thing you wishin' for. The world is full of magic. You just have to believe in it. So make your wish. Do you have it?: Good. Now believe in it.With all your heart."

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Johnny Cash.

I have this thing about Johnny Cash, and I will explain why later but let's first start with the story of his. At least the parts I would like to cover. He was born in Arkansas in 1932, to Ray and Carrie Rivers Cash who owned a farm. After high school he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force there he met his future wife Liberto. They settled down and Cash tried to get a record deal for a gospel music, but the record lable didn't want to go that route. So Cash wrote other songs like Hey Porter, and Cry, Cry,Cry. Through the 50's and 60's he continued to produce many great hits. With this though he acquired a drug addiction. Through these years he was singing 300 shows a year and got divorced. By 1967 Cash had fallen for a woman named June Carter who was on his singing tour. With her help he was able to get clean and marry June. Now I have yet to read The Man Called Cash: The Life, Love and Faith of an American Legend, which is an autobiography about Johnny Cash and his trials through life. But I do know a few things. After he married to June he came back to his faith. He majored in Theology and became an ordained minister. All of these things brought deep spiritual thoughts into his later music before he died. And really that is the reason I'm bringing this up. I do not think the Johnny and June movie gave enough emphasis to this. So many people miss who he was. He was a man, who I do not believe really loved his first wife. He loved her yes, but not in the way he loved June. There was something so special about their love. It was really transendental. There happens to be many country singers and listeners that dream of a love like that. And there happens to even be a song about their love.

But really I almost think his music speaks for itself. Now I don't know if your are the kind of person that listens to the lyrics. I mean really listens to them. But for the time being, you will be. I want you to listen to these lyrics and really find what he's saying.

The Man in Black: This song disects why he only wore black. And it's simply for the reason we are sinful. But truly it's more than that. We aren't always kind, giving, loving, helpful. Some days we don't offer any positive actions to the Lord. And so he reflected that in his clothing. I respect that more than you'll ever know. Becuase not only did he see that we needed a change but he was the change that he wanted to see. We all need to get to the point where we are the change.

God's Gonna Cut You Down: I love how this is so blunt you can't even miss the message. We sin we sin and we don't stop. And we act as like it's okay beucase I'm forgiven and saved. But he shows us it's so much more than that. And that we belittle the Lord's strength adn wrath everyday.

Hurt: This is a Nine Inch Nails song, that he re-did right before he died. This song may seem creepy or haunting, but there's a reason. It's reflection of all of his wrongs in his life. I think we sometimes need to realize how sorry we should be. Becuase I know we aren't as sorry as we should be. We have fallen short and more than just that we've missed our mark by too many miles to count.

All of these songs are so powerful, truthful and they make us hurt. And if they don't I think we should re-evaluate ourselves. Johnny sometimes felt so sad by our reality that he wanted to run away to the woods and cry. Yes, he really did say that. And guess what he's right. We really need to look at our wrong doings. Ourselves and as a part of humanity. And we need to work every day to be just a little better. That effort, relization and care will always make a difference.

So why do I care about Johnny? I did say I'd get back to that thought. Well truthfully I'm not cool and loved him on my own. My mother introduced him to me through my grandfather. I investigated Johnny to find out who my grandfather was. My grandfather was like Johnny and he loved everything he was about. When all of us were little he would sings songs to us. One Christmas we made a sing-a-long book to his songs and all 50 to 60 of us sang them together. It wasn't till four or five months ago I found that one of his favorites song we all know by heart was sung by Johnny at one point. Chawin,Chewin,Gum.

His life was a testimony for the Lord and I hope you can take that away from this. But this has taught me something else also. We need to take the time and get to know those around us. I may not have had the time when I was younger to get to know my grandpa as I wish I could. But we need to ask our grandparents about their lives and really get to know them. They may seem old and senile but that's not the point. When you are old you'll have things to tell, so listen to them you never know what you'll find. And maybe you're like hey but I'm close with my grandparents? With that I'll ask how many times have you asked them about their lives when they were younger? If you do then ask more get to know them. They have experience and they got to live through some awesome decades. And not just our grandparents our aunts, unlces, cousins. Everyone has a story, and we need to be the ones to sit there and listen. I think that's what Johnny would love and of course so would the Lord. Maybe if you need osme convincing to ask your grandparents questions or don't know what you should ask. There's a song by the Judds- Grandpa tell me about the good old days. This song is also featured on an older post about 90's country music. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Oh My Goodness.

So here's the deal I have this issue when others say "oh my gee oo dee". I can't even write it that's how much it bothers me. Every time I hear someone say it I cringe. I guess for me that word carries a lot of weight. It's not just another word. I means something and it describes an authoritative position. And for that reason when others say it flippantly I hate it. And if I'm going to say I hate something you know I mean it. But I feel this word is supposed to have strong meaning and that we should only use it when considering the Lord or discussing His ways. With this said I understand why those that don't believe say it, it doesn't have a meaning for them. And at some point I have to say I'm okay with that. The reason being, is that when a non believer does or says something I don't agree with I can't think to myself that it they really shouldn't be doing that. Though they shouldn't to us those are held under different expectations. I can't expect them not to say it because there is no reason to them that they shouldn't. However when someone has the faith and says it. I'm sure they aren't aware of what's going on. But truthfully we should be. We need to consider our words and we need to stop using our words as daggers. I really think that's how they can come off. I hope that at some point we can consider this, and decide that instead of saying it we save that for the glorification of Him. Speaking of a non believer I remembered this good ol' song that I heard on the wonderful OTH. (This also has the great brucas moments).

La Rocca- Non Believer