Friday, November 30, 2012

There She Goes Again.

I got to thinking again today, a very reflective morning. And thought I would share my thoughts. Have you ever wondered why the Lord put men in the positions to be in charge of things like, family and blah blah. I feel like every girl I've ever known has asked herself and ladies around her, why? And that is exactly what I was thinking about this morning. Because it seemed to me the girls and women in my life were very decisive, great organizers, planners, and leaders. And maybe they all don't excel in all of these categories but honestly each female I know is great at one of the above listed traits. And when I think about the boys and men I know, I tend to realize that they have one track thoughts and cannot focus on too many different things at once. They are beings that excel in things that are on their minds at the moment. Where I see women as beings who think about many things all at once and  use deductive reasoning to make decisions. So then I asked myself why would the Lord have men as leaders? Then I remembered life is all about progress, and improving our skills. The Lord created women with complex minds that can be natural leaders, but with this gift he asked us to improve our patience as we give men the space to be the leaders. And he has asked men to step up and lead so they can work on their leading, organization, planning skills. He created us different for a reason, so that we could come together with our God given talents and acquired skills to work together. But with those differences we have to allow men to lead sometimes. And I guess this really pertains to marriage more than anything else. But we gain patience when we take a step back and patience is a very admirable trait. Something the Lord wants for us. He would never ask anything of us that would make our lives worse off in the end. When he asks us not to do certain things, he is only protecting us. In the end it is all for our own good. Sometimes I view life as strength training. We live our lives and go through trials to become stronger (closer to the Lord). So next time you find yourself in a situation where you know just what to do and the right decision to make. Remember that there are times where we should step back and let others make the decision. Whether they make the right or wrong decision it doesn't matter. You cannot expect someone to learn if they are never able to make a decision. We all need to learn from mistakes, and sometimes we need to allow others to go through that. Sending my best to all of you!

This song has the right amount of sass and darkness, loving all of it!
The Band Perry- Better Dig Two

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Winter Wardrobe.

Now that the cold, cold, cold, is officially here. I have found some cozy cute chic outfits that we all need. 
So obviously I don't wear pants, but I will not allow myself to be ignorant to the rest of the world. With that said if you HAVE to wear jeans, then I love this look. Very easy, very casual, not too much effort needed. From the color blocked fall/wintery colored sweater, to the cute little boots. This is an easy everyday look.

So this is oh so me, I need it all. The peacoat is a must have. I love the button hooks with the hood. And then pairing it with a shirt and turtleneck?! Brilliant. It is a warm cozy outfit that isn't too bundled. 
Well isn't this just the cutest thing you've ever seen? A bit short, I understand. But with some length this is an EASY outfit that everyone would love. And you don't have to try hard to look good, the best of both worlds.
I'm in love with this skirt paired with the boots. I need this bad. Very cute very warm. And the outfit is as cozy as wearing yoga pants, what's not to like? This blogger also got to wear this outfit on the east coast near martha's vineyard, ideal lifestyle yeah?
Here are some great, no wonderful winter colors. I may not be in love with the presentation. But I love all the pieces separately. Maybe the skirt and scarf with a cream colored knit. Or really just something else. But I love all of the pieces, they are warm and cute. Perfection.

Everyone needs a christmas print sweater. They are so fun and so cute.  And there isn't really much else to say, they speak for themselves.

Another pant example with awesome boots. My favorite way women can pull of a pair of pants in the winter is with killer shoes. Whether it's a pair of oxford's or short booties, maybe a pair of hunters. I don't care great fall shoes are a must. The sweater is also great with it's cozy vibe.

Of course I love taylor, and everyone knows. but This is simple, and darling. She is just too cute. I could die.  A simple dress or skirt, whatever it is with a simple pattern. Then paired with a killer jacket, that is made of swede. Love love. And to finish the look off with some cute oxfords and a great purse. I'm in love. And yes I would pay good money to meet her, I would also bawl my eyes out the entire time. 
Normally I don't include guys/men in my clothing posts. But that is just oh so rude of me. Though no one is reading this, so I'm not offending the male audience or anything. But I love this look. Minus the fact the pants are super hipster and too short. But everything else is a go! From the wonderful shoes, I melt when guys wear these. To the winter coat and the beanie, and let's not forget the thermal. Loving, digging, his chili.

As time progresses on, I will be adding more winter looks. But for now here are my thoughts on the coziest, cutest, and some great style looks for this winter. 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Latest Fall Tunes.

Kacey Musgraves- Merry Go 'Round
(A song written by a lyrical genius, I love the sound, love love the lyrics, masterpiece).

Taylor Swift- The Moment I Knew (Red Deluxe edition, exclusively at Target, this is no promo)
(This is horribly painful, I can only hope my 21st doesn't go this way, but we've all been there before, he doesn't show up. And can I just say to her birthday?!?! JERK).

Jenny and Tyler- This is so Beautiful
(Cheesiest thing known to man, but do you hear the tone of his voice, in love).

LP- Levitator
(Saw them live and loved them from the first verse, her voice is crazy great, the weirdo in me is in love).

Norah Jones- Happy Pills
(Norah is a freak, in the best way, I love her voice and the instrumentals).

The Horrible Crowes- I Believe the Jesus Brought us Together
(So slow, I cannot get enough of this song, it's been months and it's still fanfreakingtastic).

Nat "king" Cole- The Christmas Song
(All I ever listen to during the holiday, everyone believes I'm an old lady, but my car thrives when this is playing).

Hope you've had a great listen!


For whatever reason when I think of prayer I think of a Prayer Warrior. And to be honest, someday I would love to achieve that goal. I think is is beautiful. And I believe that many don't see why prayer is so important and amazing. But prayer shows something about ourselves, about who we really are inside. Are we loving, are we humble, are we selfish, are we the kind of people who only care about our lives. I say we shouldn't be. I say that we have potential beyond belief and there aren't any limits. No matter what our capabilities in life are, we can pray we can love. It is a way or worship, it's a way to show how we are beautiful on the inside. It is a way to grow our relationship with others and most importantly the Lord. Sometimes it's hard to remember to pray for others. So make yourself a daily reminder. Maybe it's some silly routine you've made up, I have plenty of those dorky ideas in store if you need some. Maybe it's a post by your bed, on your desk, on your dashboard. Maybe it's a journal you keep. Either way make it happen. Let's make this a part of our daily routine. To love on others no matter how bad our day was, no matter how busy we were. We have those moments right before we sleep to pray. So there are no excuses. Prayer is powerful, it shows the Lord we care. And that is all he really wants to know.

Maybe this song is super cheesy, maybe I'm super cheesy. Who knows and who cares. I love this.
Sarah Darling- Whenever it Rains
Favorite Part: When she sings whenever, it sounds wondrous

A Work in Progress.

So we are now back to reflective weather. It hasn't been that long, I was hoping for a drier fall, but maybe it's a sign I should be reflecting on my life and my actions more? I'll just take that as a yes, and do it anyways. I mean seriously it is pouring outside, I miss summer dresses and tanned skin. I thrive in the summer, and in the winter I want to curl up and sleep. So this year I'm going to do my best to get out of this funk and find something to enjoy about the cold and the rain. Though that doesn't seem very promising at the moment. So what is there to reflect on? I could say life, but that's pretty vague. As of now the thoughts I come up with are watching the words that leave my mouth, to make them as positive as I can at all times. I'm doing better than I have, but just this evening I said something I wish I wouldn't have. It's hard to wish the best for everyone all the time and not talk them down, I'm working on it. I also want to listen more, though I do try to listen a lot. This last week I've talked off the ears of some, and though it was with reason. I want to give back, if even in that small way. I want to care and ask more than just how are you, and not really care about the answer. I really want to know how others are doing and I'm going to do my best to show that. I'm also not the best at showing others how I really feel. Probably because I like to be alone. I like company and friends are great. But I don't mind thriving by myself. Maybe it's an oldest kid kind of thing? Who knows. So sometimes when relationships don't form the way I wish they would have. I don't mind and just let it go. But I need to hold onto relationships, they are the one and only earthly thing the Lord has given me to relate to, to discuss with, to cry with, to smile with. I've been given a great life with others around me, I just need to embrace them more. So join me, and let's work on ourselves. It's rainy outside and all we want to do is cuddle up by the fire with our blankies. But we should also work on our selves in our free time, can you say winter break? Let's love more, give more, and complain less. Though I say this often, we need to remember to check ourselves and our actions regularly.

And today we have a new favorite of mine, that was played in an aired PLL episode, love love.
Sugar & the Hi-Lows- Think I said too much

What the World has Come to.

You know what I don't understand, those who are not believers and the first question they ask me every time they find out I am. And it goes a little like this, "So then why do bad things happen to those around the world, like genocide and tsunami's, and cancer?" This question in their minds seems like a legitimate one that is supposed to stump more or something. In all honestly I find it somewhat ignorant. I feel like no matter how someone believes the earth was created, we should all be in accordance that the earth wasn't filled with nasty toxins as it is now. Therefore the things that we put out into the world create storms and natural disasters. Then they go, " okay yeah I agree with that but, why would God allow those things to happen to his creation." I don't know if anyone can tell but we live in a free world. We can do what we please as we please without too many harmful repercussions. At least, that's what it looks like on a shallow level. Things don't always go our way, but of course non-believers wouldn't blame that on their own sin but instead they would simply say, it happens (well with more cursing). When we live in a free world and we don't believe in a higher power how can we just assume that the God of this world more powerful than imagination would make our lives all honkey-dorey and nothing bad would ever happen. If something is so powerful they make the rules, and honestly the rules are fair. We want a free world, we got one. But with that we can't be protected from all of the evils. It's selfish of us to think that we should be taken care of all the time and believe what we want and do what we want. If that wouldn't fly with your parents as a child, do you really think the Lord of the universe would comply with that? I do not think so. Then the conversation continues to, " Fine I guess that makes sense, but there is still cancer Courtney, how do you explain that?" Sometimes I get to thinking, and I try to come up with the most logical conclusions for the questions I ask myself. But I truly do believe that the things we put out into the world like, chemicals, basically things that are man made not natural. Are the reasons there is sickness in the world. As time goes on we are erode the Earth and all of it's natural pure beauty. So the next time someone tries to test us, and our beliefs let's not just stand up for ourselves. But instead we should be prepared, and have well educated answers for their questions. Though we are on the Lord's team and one day He will prevail. We have to fight the good fight, every day for the rest of our lives.  ( I cannot believe I just wrote good fight, no but seriously, that is not like me at all).

And to address the latest musical matters, today we have...Ed Sheeran and his latest hit                  Give Me Love

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Fresh Start.

I'm going to keep this short. But somehow I thought I could just walk away, and get over it. Today was the day I realized I can't. And maybe I'm the queen of vulnerability and heartbreak  Maybe I'm too open and my heart is on my sleeve. Maybe I could pretend you don't exist (This really doesn't work, I've tried. You're everywhere). But recently I decided you weren't a good idea. I still think that was a wise decision. Then I see you in social situations and wait to talk to me, no matter how much I ignore you. It isn't an accident. When I see that you want to talk to me, it hurts. It draws me back in. I'm not going to get over you, unless you leave me alone. As much as it makes no sense for two sensible individuals to be friends. It hurts too much. I can't just be your friend. And I need to leave this in the past. This is my decision. Now I just need to figure out how to convey this to you, before this becomes too toxic.
As always the tv and song clips explain how I feel better than I can say with words...
Taylor Swift- I almost do

Starting at 3:23

Friday, November 2, 2012

That Could've Been Me.

Do you ever have that realization that your life could have gone in a different direction, or you would be a different person today if an event big or small happened. You know those moments when you're completely amazed by what could have been. The reason I bring this up is that I am re-reading a book of mine. Which I do all too often, I'm in dire need of new literature. But sometimes before bed I like to read to help me sleep. And last night sitting there in bed it dawned on me. This book described a situation that could have been a circumstance in my life. And maybe that's what hurts the most, seeing a situation that could have been me and in some way should have been me. It's a scary situation to be reading a book and watching the character in the book react to their situations. And only to realize those emotions those situations are real. Real to so many people in this world, that is their heartbreaking reality. And you realize you are apart of that. And then we ask ourselves why it wasn't us, there are some in this world that ask why me. But I feel sometimes it is more important to realize that could've been you, you could have been the one suffering tremendously and you aren't. And then it's important for us to realize that there is a reason that those things didn't happen to us, and we need to remember to be simply thankful that we were given a better situation. We are all so blessed and I think we forget that all the time, everyday. Our lives could have taken a drastic turn, those people in our lives in their situations that could have been us. Sometimes it's hard for me to not dwell on how that could have been me but to simply just be thankful. The could have's aren't real. Once we recognize where we could have been we need to move on to where we actually are. And not where we want to be, what tomorrow will be like. But today, what kind of difference are we making? What are we doing with our time? Would we be proud if our lives ended at this moment, with our current actions and activities. The more we remember those questions, the more our lives can glorify the Lord.
Taylor Swift- The Moment I Knew
(This is a song from Red on the deluxe album, this is the saddest song of her 21st birthday party, seriously heartbreaking. But very relatable and beautiful).