Friday, July 27, 2012

Artist Spotlight: Lana Del Rey

Well for starters not so surprisingly her real name is not LDR. But instead Elizabeth Woolridge Grant. This 26 year old girl sings songs in a creepy fashion and has a 50's-60's Americana feel. She was born in New York and raised by her investor father. At the age of 15 she was sent to a boarding school in Connecticut. And at 18 she came back to New York and decided to start singing at clubs for fun. At that point she didn't feel like taking music seriously as a career. When at first working in music didn't work out she decided to volunteer with Homeless outreach, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, which she continually helps with. Her first single Video Games had great response which came after October 2011.Not many know but this last January she was signed to the NEXT Model Management. These last few months she has spent her time doing a lot of writing.
She has wrote songs for Cheryl Cole and currently she is writing her new album which should be released in November! When asked about her music style this is what she had to say, "I would have loved to be part of the indie community. But I wasn't. I was looking for a community, I don't even know any people who are musicians. I never met that indie popular indie, whoever the fuck that is. Who IS indie? First of all, I can't really get my head around what indie music is. Because if you've heard of it, it's sort of pop music, right? Because it's, like, popular? Or is it just that it's not on the radio? It's not like I was in an indie community and then I blew up. It's like, I was living on the street and I'm not – like, for real, you know what I'm saying?". I love how weird and off focus her statement was, but it kind of answered the question right? Lana remembers the old times and brings it with her new music. I love it. And she is so gorgeous, no but seriously. 
She has a dark aspect to her music too, but to be honest there are some dark things in life and it's a mistake to just ignore them and only focus on rainbows. It's time to let the music to speak for itself, so here are some of my favorites! Enjoy! 

Lana Del Rey- Video Games
(This is her first single, and you may not know but it's a love song)
Lana Del Rey- Born to Die
(Her most popular song that most have heard, I actually think this song speaks some truth. We are born to die, because death is just the beginning)
Lana Del Rey- Summertime Sadness
(I get this one, when summer "love" has to be over)

Lana Del Rey- Radio
( LOVE LOVE LOVE, this one, and don't pay attention to the silly video)

Lana Del Rey- Off to the races
(This has a funny feel, kind of hip hoppy)
Lana Del Rey-Carmen
(This one is especially creepy and dark)
Lana Del Rey- This is what makes us girls
(All of her songs are different, you never know what you're going to hear, love it!)
Lana Del Rey- Diet Mountain Dew
(This has a jazzy feel, she is wonderful!)
Lana Del Rey- National Anthem
(Watch this! She plays Marilyn Monroe, and Jackie Kennedy!)

Secret Messages.

I haven't decided whether I'll share these thoughts in person with those around me. Knowing me, I will tell those around me how I feel, because I always feel called to do so. But I always have things I would love to say. So for now, I will write them down. And who knows maybe one will be about you? Or maybe you'll know who I'm writing to?

I'm sorry for being distant these last few weeks. The last time I saw you, you really hurt me. But that's no excuse. I should have been there for you these last few weeks, and I'm sorry. I understand why you said what you said, and I do forgive you. Which is so difficult, but I do truly value our friendship more than I'm hurt. I hope you're doing well, you are such a star. You excel at all you put your mind to, and I'm so proud. You're going places and your future is bright. And I know you know that. So I just hope you remember, that life is more than financial and intellectual success. Don't forget who gave you all of these wonderful opportunities.

You know what I love about you? Life has thrown you so many curve balls, and yet today you are still such a strong fighter. You've been through so much, and I know sometimes it feels like it's all you can take. But trust me, I love you, we all love you, and we are here supporting your every move. I know school has been tough, but you're going to make it through. You are going to have the most secure job out of all of us. And that wise decision will make of these trials worth it. And don't worry you'll find love, and you'll have a wonderful family. You'll be a great wife and mother, I can see that you doubt that sometimes, and you feel you might end up single. But no, the Lord has better plans in store for you. I just hope you can realize he loves you, and you can trust him with everything. I hope you find faith, it'll be the best thing that's ever came your way. The mountains you climb in life will turn into piggy back rides with Him, so just let Him in.

Sometimes I don't even know what I should write to you, so I haven't. And here we are today and you were the first to reach out. Guess who just realized they were an idiot? I really have valued your friendship these last few years, and sometimes I suck at showing that. So I'm going to do better, I promise from now on. Your on my list of those I'm making time for and caring for wholeheartedly. You've changed my last few years, and I can't even begin to thank you enough for that. You've made college a great experience for me. And I have been able to love the UofO instead of hide in my car. Thank you thank you!

I have never given you enough credit, and I'm sorry for that. I have underestimated you. And the Lord knew that and has shown me, I know nothing about the future. This is where I say I was wrong, I'm sorry, and congrats for everything! You've grown and I never knew when that was going to happen. But you did, and I couldn't believe it. It was something that I didn't expect and yet again the Lord is continually teaching me many lessons. You're experiencing all I would have hoped you would. For so long I wanted you to understand, and you understand more than I would have ever guessed. Your accepting change beautifully like a butterfly (and no that wasn't cheesy). So here is to, your dreams to continue to come true. And that when a hard time comes your way, it won't ruin your sunny day. But I'm proud, and so happy for you.

I am sorry for there are so many that discount you. I've seen so many be completely rude to you. And they are completely wrong for doing that. You deserve better. You are truly kind, and there is nothing fake about it. Yes you think differently but so what, we all do, and we all need to be respected. Your heart is so big, and I think some people take advantage of that. So as you continue to find your way this year, I know it's been difficult. But I hope you can see that those who are rude to you, aren't worth your time. You are too loving for that. And slowly let them go. You need to be treated with respect and they need to learn that. We are all beings that need to be loved always, not just when others feel like it.

You know, I don't think that I would have ever guessed we'd ever completely get along. I thought we were too alike and that would always be an issue. And here I am again, wrong. But I love getting to know you, the real you. You are deep and thoughtful. And you always tell it like it is. I am grateful for our friendship, it feels like such a solid understandable bond. You are entering new waters gracefully. It's great to see. You are growing into yourself, and embracing your future. I'd wish you the best, but I know that the best is already coming your way. But don't forget the strength of your faith. And be careful stay true to yourself when a great boy comes along, because he will.

Sometimes I feel like you don't need my thoughts because you have your own thing figured out. But no that's not the case. I pray that you help those around you immensely this year. I feel like you are called to do that. I pray that friendships can be rebuilt. I pray that you immerse yourself in the social games, because secretly you can really enjoy it. I pray that you find your strength in you faith again, I know sometimes it can be hard. But I've seen you really do something truly beautiful with your beliefs, so keep on keeping on. I pray that even though everyone else seems different, you understand them and who they are and what they choose to do with their lives. And though your mind is always open I pray for your mind to be completely open with no restraints.

I only want the best for you all, I love you all. And I know we can change the world. It seems silly but we can make an impact, we can make difference. We can show the love that has been given to us.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

How to Love.

Have we forgotten how to love? Have we only thought about ourselves and our situations to forget about those around us? Here I am again asking us to remember to love. It doesn't matter how many times they've hurt us, it doesn't matter how many times they've let us down. Everyone close to us has done both of those things countless times. So let's choose love instead of hatred, let's choose kindness instead of hostility. But let's also do more than just love. I think we need to routinely choose a few individuals around us and offer them love, a friendship, a listening ear, a prayer, and a confidant. We all lead lives with many responsibilities and sometimes our time is limited. But let's not let that be an excuse. Excuses are always pathetic anyways. But we should sit down, maybe even make a list so we can keep our selves accountable. And write down a list of names of those that we are going to take more time out of our days and give our attention to those in need. I think we need to choose a friend that's hard to love or maybe a few, a family member or two, a friend you've been close with for a long time, and someone new in our lives. And the more the merrier. We should be there for them when they face trials, when they encounter joy. We need to be their life cheerleaders, cheering them on in the endeavors they face. We need to pray for their success, for possibly finding faith, for heartbreak, for school or job troubles. We need to pray for everything they face. We need to listen more than we speak, we need to offer advice only when needed. Sometimes all they'll need is a shoulder to lean on, sometimes they'll need another opinion. We need to spend time with them doing something that we both enjoy. We need to always go on adventures, give them something to remember when they are old and gray. When they disappoint us, be fast to forgive. But SERIOUSLY, I'm not kidding, will this be easy NO. But above all else this is more important, love the Lord more than your pride. And with that you'll love those around you, no matter what troubles they may cause. I don't care if the friend is annoying, did something to hurt us, or doesn't understand how to act in all social situations. Get over it. We need to hop on the reality train, and realize being angry with them only hurts us. We need to try harder with those around us. I don't care how many hours we are working this week, how many social obligations we have, and how much homework we need to finish. Going our days without showing love to others, results in a day where we don't live out our life purposes. So let's all take this seriously, and love always. And I wish you all the best in this communal effort we are making together!
I won't let go- Rascal Flatts (This is the love I'm talking about)
Big and Rich- That's why I pray

Friday, July 20, 2012

Just a Guess?

So here's what I have noticed, Taylor Swift puts out a CD every two years. First in 2006, 2008, 2010, and now it should be out in 2012. Since 2012 is coming to a close she has August through December to release her work. As shown on her twitter she has talked about working in the studio since last November. A month or so ago, she wrote that she had a lot of success in the studio and she is excited about so much. So I feel as if this proves my thoughts about the CD being released in the next few months. With these thoughts I thought I'd share my other predictions about her CD and hopefully I'll be right, but who knows!

1) Between August-September she will release a song and a video to start the hype for her new CD. With this she will release the CD name and the release date of the CD.
2) I think the cover name of the CD will be either one or two words, following her previous patterns.
3) I think the release date will be somewhere between October- and early December. I also feel since she released her last CD in November, she may choose December her birth month, or October for a different feel.
4) This is actually a fact not a thought, but there will be collaborations on this album. Including Ed Sheeran. This album is said to have a different feel, "The album will detail "the rise and fall of a relationship", as well as the resulting "heartbreak". She has described the record's mood as "sad"".5) There will be a song about Jake Gyllenhaal, which will hopefully shed light on what actually happened in their friendship, relationship?
6) There may be a song about Patrick Schwarzenegger, who is said to be her current love interest.
7) There will be a song about someone else, it could be her brother, her father, a friend. Who knows but there will be a song on someone else's behalf.
8) I'm going to make a guess and say that there will be thirteen songs.
9) I think there will be a song that talks about how is is sad and confused, that love isn't' what she thought it was. She can't quite figure it out, but she's on a journey.
10) I think there will be a duet song between her and Ed Sheeran.
11) In her first released video there will be a love interest played by some sort of famous actor. But not too famous. Someone she has seen on TV or a movie that she finds is really cute.  I think it could be the guy from Revenge, or maybe pretty little liars? I'm not sure we'll see, it could be one tree hill again! That'd be exciting.
12) The album will show the progression of Taylor's life from the age of 20-22.
13)  I there will be something in there about her being content single, she wants to stop dating the wrong one and date the right guy. But he's hard to find.

And yes I did 13 of these on purpose. Either way, hopefully I'm right about some of these and when her album comes out I will do a check and let y'all know, which ones I was right about. Ha I just wrote y'all oh so funny.
Taylor and Ed Sheeran singing part of his Lego House song
Ed Sheeran- Lego House

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Five feet away.

Have you ever sat in your car alone and looked around to the other drivers and realized, they aren't that far away from you. And let's just say it's about five feet. Here is a stranger living a different life, going somewhere you aren't and yet they are five feet away from you at the stop light. And when we do realize those around us, do we ever stop and think, I never notice those around me. I feel as if we spend most of our days doing what we feel needs to be done. But we don't take the time to think those that are right next to us. It seems crazy really. Here are these human beings right next to us, living lives in the same city as we are and we couldn't care less. Well guess what it's time for a reality check. We have every reason to care about those around us. They affect our lives. If they are kind they gives to those around us that are in need or maybe we are the ones in need and they give to us. If they sick with a mental illness and have uncontrollable dark thoughts, they could be the murderer in our town. Whomever those around us are we need to be kind to them. We need to stop giving those around us a reason to hate us or talk bad about us. We need to rise to the occasion and pray for them. Their behavior could change our lives. Our love towards others can change many things. I think that when we are in our cars, when we are in public, even when we are home. We need to think and pray for those next to us. Whether that be in the next room, the car over, or the person beside us on the bench. And maybe we could even open up and get to the people next to us better. Maybe we can being positive changes into the world. Just maybe our presence on the Earth can have meaning. But it's up to each and everyone of us to make that decision. So what's yours?
Boy and Bear- My one and only

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Artist Spotlight: The Pistol Annies

Without even knowing who they are they sound pretty hard core right? And even "Bad Ass", though writing that makes me feel quite awkward. This is a group of three women who can take us back to the good old country music. In the group there is Miranda Lambert (closest), Ashley Monroe (far left), and Angaleena Presley (center). I am thankful to be able to say that I have seen them in concert and they were amazing, a highly recommended show.
These ladies are beautiful, curvy and proud of it. Their voices are something you don't hear everyday and they really get into your soul. They love glitz, glam, and guns. They are good hearted women who don't mind getting into trouble every once and while. And each Annie has her own identity, Holler Annie (Angaleena), Hippie Annie (Ashley), and Lone Star Annie (Miranda). All three women are from different parts of the south and they each bring their southern backgrounds to their music. As most know Miranda has had her own personal success after taking third on Nashville Star. And over the last 9 years her music has only grown more and more popular. With her edgy country style, that is refreshingly different than many other country singers. And adorably enough, a little over a year ago Miranda married Blake Shelton. Though Ashley has had a few country songs out a few years ago, she never made it big on her own. And Angaleena was in the same boat. So when Miranda put the three of them together, they made magic. Their songs are so sassy that you can't stop listening. And the songs cover topics from the hunting husband, disrespectful family, God, financial struggles, pregnant and getting married, alcohol and cigarettes, getting back at the guy who has screwed you over, and housewife troubles. All of these songs are written by the three of them and if there is ever outside help it comes form Blake who they call Pistol Andy. But now I have decided to let their music speak for itself. Because these women have a lot to say, and even though we may not always agree with what they are singing about you just can't help but laugh and sing along.

Hell on Heels- Pistol Annies
(This was their first single and it was the best move they could've made, this song is GOLD)
Hunter's Wife- Pistol Annies
(This is one of my favorites, most likely because I can understand where they are coming from, and for that I must thank my father and brother)
Takin' Pills- Pistol Annies
(Though this song may be controversial, it is just so fun)
Bad Example- Pistol Annies
(This is filled with the best kind of sassy)
Lemon Drop-Pistol Annies
(I love when country music sheds light to financial struggles)

Monday, July 9, 2012

I just thought you should know.

Here's the deal, I just don't understand why we don't always say what we mean? If we have something pressing on our hearts shouldn't we share it? I just think we are betting on our life spans when we don't say what we have to say. Isn't it ridiculous how many things we keep locked up inside ourselves? So I don't just think, but know we should be more open with all of those around us no matter how well we know them. And that may sound scary, I get it. So why don't we just write it in a letter? The romantic old lady in me is obsessed with a well thought out letter. It doesn't have to be well written, it just needs to be from the heart. Whatever we are afraid to say in public we can always write it down. And simply give it to the other person, and maybe run away after but at least you wrote it and gave it. As long as we put ourselves and heart into things we do I know that we will succeed in our endeavors in the end. So until I can give this to the person I plan to, here will be my letter. And maybe it'll inspire you to really tell someone something, I can only wish. You never know if it'd make their day, you never know what kind of confidence boost they need. I think that when we are keeping these thoughts inside we are being selfish. We are only thinking about how we feel and not how they do. They may need to hear something nice, and that is the reason why I write these letters.

I just thought you should know, that you're so kind it hurts me. Though that may not make sense, your kindness hides, what you really think about me. Unless it's true kindness which I haven't figured out yet. You're so nice, it's like you are pitying me. Not that I'm ungrateful, because I wouldn't want you to treat me any other way. But your kindness leaves me confused and almost hurt. I guess it makes me feel like a charity case. I wish I knew what you really felt. I just want to know what you really think. I need to know now, then we can go back to being friendly. I need to know where I stand. Now that I've got that out of the way, I want to tell you what I see when I look at you. You're funny. I think that may stand out above all things. It's like this dorky funny, but that awkwardness never fails to leave those around with a smile and a laugh. I love the way you laugh when no one else does, it's like you have your own inside joke and no one else around you will ever understand. It's simply wonderful. The way you will make the effort to make conversation with those around you, I love to watch you go around and talk to those that you may not necessarily like all that much, but you still try. I have never seen you outright dislike someone, that's impressive. The way I know you'd enjoy eating Costco samples with me all day. When you are quiet and don't want to talk to those around you. You enjoy the moment and let things come to you, which reminds me of how I feel most days. The way you pull of so many things that others can't. Your so kind to your family, I'm amazed with your relationships with all of those in your family. You can read others. I feel like this is the best thing above all of the other traits. You take the time to really see how those around you feel and act accordingly. I love that. But that's where I get confused. Are you being kind because I'm awkward or are you actually interested in being acquainted with me?

I honestly think it's letters like this one above that really blow people away. What a random surprise. No one ever expects that kind of honesty, especially flattering honesty. Talk about making someone's day. For the rest of their life they will have a great amount of respect for you. And you can basically get people to do whatever you want them to with that kind of honesty. Because it's different. It sets you apart from others. I learned this important lesson when I was 14, the best thing by far that I've ever learned. Kind honesty always wins the day. And you can get a boyfriend from such a letter? It's basically like magic. So go and do it sometime, and more than just once.

Sunday Lane-Reckless One

Friday, July 6, 2012

Oh Outer space.

I used to love everything about outer space. I loved how it looked, I loved how different it was. I loved the planets and the stars. I wanted to be an astronaut. I even had an outer space birthday party. I loved constellations. So of course when others talk about aliens I have my own thought out point of view. I'm not sure how I came to my conclusions, but for me they were Earth shattering (but not really). I understand why people think there is life out there, I mean when we believe that then we don't seem so self centered. Okay yeah I really have no problem with that. And why not? I mean why are we the only planet with life forms that God made? So I understand where people are coming from, and why UFO's don't seem so made up. But here's the deal, if there is another planet with life forms there has to be a Bible there. I mean think about it, God wouldn't create another planet if they didn't have the same set up as we do. It just doesn't work without the Bible and the Lord's story. They would have to face what we face, they would need faith as we do. Now they couldn't have our Bible right? Because then their planet would be as ours is, and it would just be the same exact thing.  So then they would need a slightly different story but the Bible standards would still apply. The Old Testament and the New Testament would still have the same fundamental teachings,values, and guidelines. Now if this planet had life forms without human like comprehension, obviously this wouldn't' be necessary. But all I'm trying to say is that, sure if you would like there to be other life forms on another planet somewhere out in space fine, but realize that there needs to be the Lord's presence there too. They would be living lives to learn recognize we are sinners and need a savior. But okay so let's say they exist on their own planet, and we want to find them. Well it's not possible. Why you ask? If we encounter them and we find out we both have the same faith, wait that's not possible. Because then the Lord would be proven right in front of everyone, and that's not possible, because as long as the Earth still turns there will be non-believers. And two separate planets that have life forms who believe the same thing, is like proving God's presence right in front of our faces. As nice as that sounds, according to the Bible the world is on a continual spiritual downward spiral. So this idea of meeting these possible other life forms, isn't possible. I hope that all of my thoughts come together and make sense, but who knows. It really is a lot to process. But if my logic is wrong in any of this, I would love to know. I would love to be informed if my thoughts aren't logical and I'm missing something big. And I would love to change my thoughts accordingly, so really let me know. I want to know if  I'm wrong. And I would love to know if you disagree or agree or think I'm crazy. Anyways wishing you all the best summer day in the sun!
Love and Theft-Angel Eyes

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

May the fourth be with you.

Okay so I've actually never seen star wars. And it's also not something I really care about watching, ever. But anyways happy 4th. Happy birthday to the United States! I just hope that if those who founded our country would be proud of where we are today. Though there may be plenty negative things to say about our country, today isn't about any of those things. It's about celebrating those who lie their lives down for us, the police, soldiers, marines, and firefighters. Today is about us, all of us and our lives. Today is about unity. Today we need to stay joyful in all occasions. We need to show love to everyone around us. Today is only about being positive. We live in a land where we can basically do as we please. How fortunate are we to be here? The Lord could have placed our souls in any country he pleased, and we would have missed out on this gift. Today is about being grateful. Today is about all citizens of this beautiful country coming together, and agreeing that we are blessed. And I believe that is worth celebrating. So enjoy today, love today, and remember that today is so much more than a barbecue and fireworks. And let's not forget what we accomplishments we as a country have accomplished. And if only just for today let's forget all of the shortcomings. To celebrate the day I have some Lana Del Rey. Because you may not have noticed but she always has flags around her, and USA stuff on. I have no idea why though?

Lana Del Rey-Trash
Lana Del Rey-Oh Say Can You See
Lana Del Rey-Queen of the Gas Station
Lana Del Rey-Driving in Cars with Boys

Sunday, July 1, 2012


I think we all need to let our guards down more often. But it's no surprise I'm saying this. I'm the girl with the heart permanently on her sleeve. I am more open than all I know. With this my heart can be broken to pieces. But I wouldn't change a thing. I let it all out there and put my ego aside. I must have no pride because I always tell it like it is, and the last thing that enters my mind is what will be the resulting situation. So far I haven't made you want to be vulnerable, and I understand. But when you want to tell someone something so desperately and you don't, I think you are quite foolish. You may see me as foolish for looking stupid and saying what is on my mind. But at least I'm trying. If we just sit around and want to say something we are just  wasting time, we aren't trying, what are we thinking? When we try we put it all out there and we've done the best we could. In the end I think that's all that matters. I want you all to be more vulnerable than you currently are. Sometimes our efforts amount to nothing more than tears. But that one time where you try and you find just what you're looking for, well the old tears were so worth it weren't they? I really wish Taylor Swift could be my best friend, and if you think that's off on a tangent you are so wrong. When we like someone but keep our mouths shut we are wasting our own time. If they like us then great we can move forward, and if they don't we can move on. It's that simple. We weren't given these lives to wonder if we should say it now or later, that's such a waste of precious time. Procrastinating has never been an admirable trait, ever. If we are fighting or arguing with a loved one, family member or friend and we wait to say how we feel, we are going against all the hope's the Lord has for us. How disappointing? When we know we could try harder and we just don't. We're lazy, pathetic, and we have no excuses if we aren't speaking now. I'm not the perfect communicator, but I do know saying what you mean will only reap positive results. No matter if your vulnerability leads to pain there is always good to come from it. So I took my own advice not too long ago. Were the results positive? I have no idea, and I don't know if I will ever gain anything from my vulnerability. But I do know I'm stronger than before, I did what was needed, I tried and if I were to die today and realized that I tried then I accomplished what the Lord wants if only in a small way. I tried, and that's all He asks in all aspects of life. So try today, tomorrow and the rest of your life. Because my brutal honesty will let you know, you have no excuses they aren't valid here.
Waterdeep- It's all right

Golden Summer Country Hits.

Lady Antebellum- Wanted you more (I've been here a time or two)
Blake Shelton-Over
The Band Perry- Postcard from Paris (Her vocals ahh)
Alan Jackson- So You Don't Have to Love me Anymore (Well if this is about real love then I don't know what is)
Pistol Annies-Takin' Pills (This is so sassy I can't handle it)
Lee Brice- A Woman Like You (This be a dream of mine)

Yay for summer where we can drive around and listen to country :)