Thursday, May 31, 2012

Movies you have to see and I want to watch them with you.

Adam-This movie is pure brilliance. Made by one of the best movie productions ever. Well the most realist movie productions we have to date in America. They are called Summit Entertainment, all of their movies are golden. Not counting Twilight. I am talking about the truthful films they produce like, Remember Me, 50/50, 500 Days of Summer. Either way you need to see this movie, and I need to re watch it. This should be #1 on your to do list.
Sleepless in Seattle-
One of my 90's favorites. It's cute. It has Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. And a cute little boy. This story is great, unrealistic. And it has the 90's vibe that I may never get over. So here's a trailer I love watching this movie over and over. But this trailer gives aways a little too much don't you think?
Elvis and Annablle-
No one has ever seen this movie but me. Why because I think it's on Lifetime or something weird. Good news it's always on my DVR. But I think we should watch this. All time favorite movie. It's about a beauty queen and a boy who is a mortician. Sound weird yet? It's me so you are still not surprised. Ask to watch this with me and I'll scream and die happy. Don't watch this after 30 something seconds it tells too much.

The Ultimate Gift-
Now this movie tells a story, and good story. The guy is cute and it makes a great Christmas movie, that isn't too Christmas related. Love love love it. Come Christmas time watch it with me? I watch it a few times every year. It's an amazing ride of a rich boy with an inheritance that is life changing process. Money doesn't have too much to do with it. Cool right? And it has Abigail Breslin, everyone loves her.

A lot like love-
Maybe you've seen this and maybe you haven't. But this summer let's make this and Adam, and Sleepless in Seattle happen. And hopefully Elvis and Annabale. I want to show you all my favorites that don't include Adam Sandler, because Lord knows his 90's looks and movies steal my heart any day. But this movie is in the great early 2000's that we so fun. And it has a great soundtrack. A cute boy a cute girl, and a cool story line. So be prepared because this summer will be a movie palooza.

Music from the Almighty One Tree Hill.

One Tree Hill has always consistently had amazing music. And most times from bands I have never heard of. It was always exciting to find a new band or song that I loved. Sadly, One Tree Hill has ended after Season 9. Tge good news is that the ending was amazing, and the music was mind capturing. If you ever want to watch One Tree Hill, I have the seasons and would love to accompany you on your OTH journey. But for now I will leave you with some of the Season 9 music greats. And hopefully one day I will post some greats from past seasons.

Sunday Lane- Heavy Heart, Heavy Hands (love her)
Elenowen- No such thing as time (Civil Wars Vibe?)
Blind Pilot-Half Moon (Will always remind me of the final episode)
Boy and Bear- Lordy May (Weird and I love it)
The Horrible Crows- Joey (Dare I say awesomely HAUNTING?)
Brooke Annibale- Feels like Home
Eastern Block- Protecting god
Tyler Hilton- Loaded Gun (my mother loved this and if she does then you will!)

These songs are on and there are so many more. I mean every song ever featured on the episodes. It's too good, this like a nap on a winter day. But if you have music I haven't heard, I want to hear it! Always wanting to discover more music. So let me know what your ears enjoy!


Okay so I was in math class, the best class ever. And I wasn't bored at all, I just had an accidental wandering daydream. To be honest I have no clue what it was about. Sorry about the intense build up. But what I do know it somehow related to sacrifice. But that's all I know. With this said even though I don't remember my Earth shattering epiphany. I do remember my thoughts on the subject. We have to make sacrifices everyday. We sacrifice our time to go to school and to do school work. We even sacrifice our sanity. This applies to all areas of life whether it's work, or being a parent, or even sacrificing our toys with a sibling. We give up what we have in order for something else to accomplished. Whether that's raising a child, making money to live, to graduate with a degree or for kindness. We only have so many hours in the day and we choose what to do with them. Many times we have to choose to do one thing over another. This is called opportunity cost. Bam, who knew I loved business and that economical stuff? We come to all our daily situations and decide what to do with our time, money, thoughts, and actions. We could have done something else but we made a choice to do whatever it is we are doing. What's the reason I brought this logical subject up for? Well I think daily we choose not to use our time wisely. And no I'm not talking about watching tv or playing video games instead of doing something productive. But I think we think about what we should do and what we want to do. And most of the time I think choosing what we want to do wins out. Of course this decision isn't always a bad one, I am all for having a little fun. But we choose to watch tv instead of pray. We choose to be lazy instead of reading our Bible. I think this is a BIG issue. We aren't making the right situations. We are too lazy for words, and I'm frustrated. Every time we make a decision we should consider the Lord. If we love our creator we are supposed to continuously worship him. Obvious aside, it shouldn't be a sacrifice of our time and effort. But let's think about our lives, do they demonstrate that praising the Lord is a sacrifice or our first instinct? Off of that serious note, let's listen to something riveting..

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I like the television, you should too.

Have you seen this show? Have you fell over laughing from watching Sheldon? Have you really got into and went my goodness this is wonderful? If you haven't done any of these things, I'm sorry and you need to join me in this wondrous adventure. It's light hearted nerdy fun and who doesn't want to watch that? It's pretty family friendly, in case your kids are around. Because you know we all have little ones around. It doesn't show anything naughty, such a plus (I'm trying to be funny, I hope you understood that). This show is grrreeat! So now you must find time to see it. Here's a clip to show you how sad your life has been without it. :(

Heart of Dixie:
Please tell me you've seen this show. You probably haven't though if your name isn't Zoe,Natasha, or Danielle. Either way this show is amazing. It has Rachel Bilson so what's not to love? And she's in the south? Even better. One episode has Scotty McCreery in it. I know you're jealous you've missed it. The boys are so bad to look at. It has a cute story line about a doctor who has to leave New York for the Bluebell. And she doesn't fit it, but it's fabulous. There is heartbreak, love, confusion, sweet tea, and sometimes it gets crazy hot and you never know what's going happen on those days. So let's do yourself a favor and watch it. I give this the highest rating it's called Superb Love.

You probably haven't seen this show. Such a pity really. I didn't think I would like this show, because I try to stay away from Revenge it doesn't seem like the best path to take. But I thought I would try it out because the Hamptons are beauuutiful. Turns out within the first few minutes I loved it. Yes Emily's ways aren't the best ideas. But it's so good. I can't even describe it. The closest thing I have to an addiction. I can't stop watching it and my mother and I get so excited when it comes time for it to air. It has you on the edge of your seat every episode it is so enthralling. But let's let the show speak for itself.... It won't let me find the video so click the link, this preview is too good not to watch. This is how the 1st season starts off, watch it love it and become a super obsessed fan like me!

Bible. Bibllia.Bibel.

To be honest that I'm ashamed. There was a time when I didn't think I needed to read the Bible often. Or ever really. I do not know why I didn't read it, I just didn't feel like it and someone how to me that was a good enough excuse. Many people are in the same boat. It's either I don't have time, or I don't understand what it's trying to say. Well here we go ruining the world with excuses. Excuses are pathetic. And we need to stop. We do have time, we always have time. Even if we didn't we need to make time for what is the most important thing in our lives right? And if we don't understand it we have people we can talk through it with, and I don't know the powerful internet that has great sites to teach us. Maybe you don't want to read it. But if we don't we need to analyze why this is. What's going on in our hearts, minds, souls? What does God mean to us? We need to figure out why we aren't reading. Why we aren't fully educated on the faith that our lives revolve around. The Lord deserves praise and reading the Bible is a great start. It's not hard we all like to read if not love to read. I mean you're reading this right now aren't you? Which also means you have time for the Bible. Time to pray, time to care, give, and love. It doesn't have to be much, but we need to make sure we read it. And no not just glaze over it, but read it think about it, pray on it. And change our lives accordingly. Here's to glorifying the Lord in all ways we know how.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Kindness and Support

I don't care whether or not you agree with war. But what I do want to say. Is that they have sacrificed for us. It doesn't matter if you understand why they are sacrificing or maybe you don't think it's necessary. That's not for us to decide. We need to be thankful and prayful anyways. We need to care because we're called to. We don't understand everything the Lord does but we love him anyways? Well it's the same thing. So when you run into one of the veterans or those still fulfilling duties say thank you. You have no idea how much it'll mean to them, especially in today's modern times. And if you know them ask them to tell you their story, listen so they can confide. No one should have to keep their hardest times inside or their best times. And if they don't open up keep trying, they might try to shut you down. But we need to be there for them. No matter what. So love love love until you don't have any breath left in your lungs.

Clothes over Bros, Brooke Davis Style.

I love clothes, and those who know me either find it awesome or a problem. Either way I have some ideas about how to choose which clothes to buy, they're more like rules really. But hopefully they can make the process easier, and save you some dinero.

- Classic clothing: Now I know classic isn't everyones style. But at least try to incorporate some classic in your wardrobe. It allows you to mix and match outfits, the clothes can last your multiple seasons and truly a few years, it gives a more mature look to your wardrobe ( If you don't think you need that aspect you are sadly mistaken, we all seem to be getting older), and your clothes budget can be cut some when you have these pieces as staple pieces. Classic can include, pencil skirts, button shirts, dark wash jeans (and not that teenager stuff), shoes to match multiple outfits, plain colored pieces, blazers, and timeless pieces.

- Plain colored pieces: This deserves its own category. The reason for this is because when we buy clothing with designs, symbols, pictures. We limit how long we keep them and how often we wear them. As we get older, that stuff needs to stay at home. This may sound harsh if you love wearing that kind of stuff. But here's reality, that stuff wont cut it in the real world as we enter it. So if you limit buying the pieces you don't really need you can save more and spend it on something that matters. Don't cut all patterns, just limit.

- Most clothing should be bought on sale: Stores inflate prices like crazy and we should hardly ever over pay for our clothing, buying at the original price is like a sin. So please don't. If you love it enough to keep it to three or five years maybe you can put up an argument to this. But I will also add that we need to buy clothing that will last us, till the clothing becomes dingy. And most clothes stay on the rack till the hit sale. So wait for that, patiently. And if it's gone by the sale, guess what? There will always be more clothes to find.

- Give yourself a girly update: We are women, so we need to allow ourselves to be girly sometimes. A good dress can always last, and so can an appropriate skirt. Florals that aren't too in your face are always pretty. Lace is great. Shake it up a bit if you don't feel comfortable at first, your confidence will boost when you feel pretty. And these clothes automatically give you that feeling.


- The 2 dollar rule: When you are spending take the price and divide it by two. And that gives you how many times you should wear that item if you're going to buy it. I think it would be better to divide by a dollar, because in all honesty we need to watch how we spend our money and make it last.

-Pants: I may not wear them but I do know a few things. Please for the love of your savings account do not spend too much on your jeans. They wear out. And I guess if you feel it necessary limit how often you wash them to keep color and wear. This goes back to sales but they are your best friend. Gap has jeans for 14.99 once a season so I know you can find nice jeans for more than a great price. Spending more than twenty isn't bad obviously. But more than a hundred? We should really consider that. TJ Maxx brings in designer, and Buffalo Exchange has a few tricks up their sleeve. We also should have more than just jeans like cords, cropped pant, colors are in (But a reminder how many times will you wear them?) khaki's,etc..)

- T-shirts: Limit how often you buy t-shirts. They have a shelf life, they love to make themselves some holes. But when we buy we need to go for plain, striped, polka dot..simple. A crew neck, v neck, long sleeve. Just don't buy too many because they can eat up our money funds and aren't very professional.

- Shoes: Let's get rid of all the ugly shoes, goodness. There are so many. Neutrals match all clothes so you stop spending amounts of money on things that don't even go with what you have. Flats are great, but let's not go with the crazy weird ones, simple will last and they aren't ugly. Sandals only take us so far, so limit your supply. But really most sandals are ugly, so please reconsider those you are buying. No tennis shoes don't go with everything. I love toms but again they  do not go with everything, like yoga pants... um no. Converse and keds are cute the closer to your foot size the less you look like a clown. And boots, I love them. But please don't buy ones with crazy things on them hanging off of them. Neutrals are always safer. You don't need heels on them. And please those ugly brownish orange ones make me want to puke. If you are wearing boots with jeans make sure the jeans are darkwash, and really all jeans should be darkwash.

- The Love Rule: I've acquired this new rule for myself and I try to always stick with it. If I don't love it I don't get it. I need to know I will wear this many times, and in different ways. If I like it but don't love it I walk away. This saves so much time and money. You wouldnt' believe. I also ask myself if I'd can live without it. Obviously I can live without any of it. But will I think about it later and wish I would have bought it? And sometimes give yourself that time, (not too long or it could disappear) but leave and make sure this is the purchase you want to make, you love this, it will give you a joyful fresh start the morning you put it on.

In the end our wardrobes need to last. We cannot impulse buy ever. Shop with a friend and have them question every purchase. Question all purchases. I love for different pieces to last 3 to 5 years. Sales Sales Sales. Stop splurging if it isn't what you love or you wont wear often. I am willing to go shopping with you, I want to go shopping with you. Clothes should make you feel like you can conquer the day with a smile on your face, no matter how hard the day will be. Love yourself, love what you're wearing, love those around you.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


I have this theory that entitlement is one of our biggest issues today. We all live life like we deserve everything we have. And I hate to break it to you, but that's far from the truth. We think that if we work hard, if we're good people.. blah blah blah. Then everything will work out for us. That is the biggest lie we could ever believe. Everything we have we do not deserve. And we have to thank the Lord that horrible situations that others go through we haven't had to experience them yet. I do not think we are thankful for all that we have, or maybe it's that we don't give enough thanks. Either way we need to be thankful daily, if not more often than that. We could lose everything today, tomorrow, five years down the road. And it's not becuase we are bad people and it's not that we don't deserve to lose everything today. All things happen to strengthen us. If we go back to the beginning of man we can see God created us but satan tempted us and we failed. With that failure the Lord had to change his plan for us so that we could be strengthend and withstain evil and its forces (Though I must say we will never fully get the strength we need). But we live these lives so that we can learn how to overcome the temptations that we face from satan and one day we can be ready with the Lord for heaven. Our lives are trials for us to learn from, so that we don't fall as we once did when we were first created. So when we lose things and people around us, it is to make us stronger so we can be with the Lord. And I don't know about you but that is worth it for me. Our lives have purpose and we are going to make it through all the troubles we face, we just need to stand by God through it all. This all connects to entitlement. We don't deserve what we have. But we are glad we have the things we do. We will never be good enough on our own, but that's really okay. Becuase I'd rather face all hard times with someone beside me. There is always a shoulder to lean on and ears that love to hear all we have to say. Let's not go into each day as if we have worked hard enough so that's why we are doing better than others. Instead we need to realize that we all have times of trial and we need to help those around us through. And to always remember that thanking the Lord will never get old to Him.

Accidental Ignorance.

I have a feeling none of us want to feel like we are ignorant, ever. It's like the worst feeling for me personally but I think we do it daily. Not only do we not care about our surroundings or others around but we tend to ignore the Lord quite often. Let's ask a question, when was the last time you prayed? Or talked with God? Was it minutes ago, hours, days and I pray that it hasn't been weeks. But I'm assuming that it was far too long ago. And what do I mean by far? I think we should be checking in with him continuously, but I'm assuming you already know that's what he would love us to do. That's why I feel that we are being ignorant and not just simply ignoring Him. I don't think we do it on purpose, I just feel we don't do it because we tend to lead our lives thinking about the things we need to do each day. If someone is saving our soul, we should thank them day in and day out. We need to stop ignoring the Lord. Paying attention to our own lives isn't working for the greater good, and at the end of the day all of that effort doesn't get us very far. So I think our goal is to start each day and take ourselves out of the equation. And to remind ourselves in each situation what would the Lord want me to do, how can I please him to bring joy to me and those around me. Everything he asks us to do is for our own good, so if for no other reason we are crazy not to do the things he asks us to do. We will lead more fruitful and joyful lives..

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


That moment when you feel as if everything falls apart, that moment of heartbreak. It's interesting really when you feel your heart sink. I mean you actually feel like you can't catch your breath and your insides have gone crazy. Part of me promised myself I wouldn't write anything like this. But I feel like I'm an open book. You ask and I tell. So I should talk about the hard things we go through too. It's weird though because the idea of heartbreak doesn't make sense to me. It just for whatever reason doesn't feel real. At the same time there's nothing else to describe the way you feel when the person you have feelings for just crushed your heart whether it's intentional or not. So let's just simply call it heartbreak, though it seems too dramatic. Because life goes on, we will focus on somone else till we get it right. I don;'t know if you've ever felt this way, because if you haven't then you don't understand. But it's nothing I would wish on anyone. With that said I feel that we all should experience some kind of heartbreak in life. And I'm pretty sure no one ever gets through life without it. Whether it'd be a big let down of some kind, a death, a lost love, a tragdey, or whatever extreme saddness that comes over you. The feeling will eventually find you. It reminds me of Job. Satan felt as if Job wouldn't stay faithful to the Lord if he lost everything. So Job was tested in his faith. Whether or not that's the best way to put it, I don't care. Because our faith through hard times is always tested, to see if we really stand by what we say. And the best part of the test is that we have someone to lean on the whole time, it's never a lonely path. So with this unavoidable heartbreak we are tested, to see whether or not we can see brighter days with the Lord. Does that make us feel any better? Some. Does it shorten the time span of pain? A little. But with more heartbreak the stronger our relationship with the Lord grows. It's weird isn't it that from all that pain comes good? It may be odd, but it's the perfect situation. We can never lose with the Lord, in all aspects of life. I just hope that when you experience heartbreak you come to me and say something. I want to hear all about it. I want to cry with you while your in pain.  I feel that if there is nothing else I can help you with, I get heartbreak. I seem to lay my heart on the line too often. So tell me when it happens and I'll listen to it all. And of course we all need to go to the Lord when we are in great pain and take comfort in all the joy that he brings through the saddness. No one should go through this alone, so when you see someone hurting please be there for them. At the end of the day kindness goes a long way. Here's some Sappy Swifty to listen to...

Monday, May 21, 2012

For the Love of Music

If you know me then, there's one thing that you are sure of. Okay so I lied there are two things, I hate technology and listening to music is one of my favorite pass times. But I guess it isn't just a pass time, if there isn't music playing around me then the tv is blarring I have found that I love noise. More importantly I find that all types of music are beautiful, and that we should accept them all. No matter the language, genre, or era it comes from music is consistantly beautiful. I personally love to hear it all and find new favorites wherever I go. My parents blessed me with what I feel was the best musical childhood. They only played country music and I loved every minute of it. Growing up I thought everyone listened to country music, only to figure out at the age of eight that no one else did. But I tended to embrace the nedneck family I was born into anyways. Here's the thing about country music that I love, it tells a story. It's that simple and that sweet. Every song has a meaning, and a true story that someone can relate to. Some are motivation songs to grow stronger or do better, some are devoted to the Lord, some talk about the pain of heartbreak and some just simply tell the hard truths of life that we face everyday. And I feel that's what music is all about. Telling the stories from your heart. Letting others know what is going on inside of you. And maybe they can help you through and maybe they relate. It's this continuous cycle of pain and the restoration of fight and endurance to continue on. And if you haven't listened to country and found something that you like, I must say you have been missing out. Not only do I love country, but it's the music from the 90's that really gets me. Those songs get me every time, I stop right in my tracks and smile. And who doesn't love those songs that take you back, to a time good or bad those memories are precious. My second favorite of all music types would have to be things that are singer/song writer, alternative, rock, acoustic, and part indie. Mix all of that together and you've got one of my favorite songs. What's great about this kind of music is that it's making it's way onto tv shows. And I love that. Shows like One Tree Hill, The OC, Pretty Little Liars, and even just every day movies are putting these songs in their plot lines and I love nothing better than a great soundtrack. And of course, the old lady in my comes out and I love all old music. And kind, any decade. From Jazz and Rock to old Country it's fabulous. So I hope that you love music and you are embracing it all. All music is good music, we just need to find what's breathtaking about it. Whether it's the beet, the acoustics, the lyrics, the tone, or even the in studio sound. Realize that music is the story telling of ouy hearts. Now I leave you with what you've been missing out on your whole life. Some 90's country greats, I don't know how you live your life without it? Hopefully you've heard some of it for sanity's sake?
Brook's and Dunn- My Maria
Randy Travis-Three Wooden Crosses
Reba McEntire-Fancy
Trace Adkins-Every light in the house is on
Tim McGraw- Where the Green Grass Grows
Mindy McCreedy- Ten Thousand Angels
Brad Paisley- We Danced
Clint Black- Nothing but the Tailights
Trisha Yearwood- She's in Love with the Boy
Faith Hill- This Kiss
Wynonna Judd- No One Else on Earth
Dixie Chicks- You were mine
Garth Brooks- The Thunder Rolls
Jo Dee Messina- Stand Beside Me
Shania Twain- Man! I Feel Like A Woman
Pam Tills- Maybe it was Memphis
Steve Wairner- Holes in Floor of Heaven
Collin Raye- If you get there before I do
Tracy Lawrance- Time Marches On
Blackhawk-Everyonce in a while
Sawyer Brown- The Walk
Mary Chapin Carter- He Thinks He'll Keep Her
Patty Loveless- You Don't Even Know Who I am
David Ball- Riding With Private Malone
Deana Carter- Strawberry Wine

Okay so if you listened to them and want more, you know I have plenty in store. And I also happen to be sad that all the videos couldn't be found, but it's about the music right? And finally, if you didn't listen to each and every one of these songs, I hate to break it to you but my heart breaks for you and you're missing out on the amazing heart ache these songs give you. Not sure if you know what I mean?

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Being honest is not an easy task. But yet it is what we are called to do. And why you ask? Well simply everything the Lord asks us to do is only for our own good. Have you ever thought about that? He asks us not to do certain things he calls sin, but at the end of the day all of the sins we commit hurt us in one way or another. And really he asks us not to do them because they interfere with our futures; they scar us in a way. And being honest is just another one of those things that we are to do, because when we are not we hinder our lives. Honesty is the best policy, which truly is something I try to live by. We need to realize that no matter how hard it is to be honest it will give us the best turn outs in the future. I have been in a situation where I was brutally honest, so honest I made that person cry. And I know that going with the brutally honest option may have not been the best route to go in that situation, but today I do know that the friendship I have with them is where it is now because of that honesty. That honesty continues on with this friend, and I will always cherish how we can come together with that cut and dry honesty. This strategy however, is not always the best way to go about things. This worked for me and this person. But won’t work in all relationships we have in life. That doesn’t change the fact that we need to realize that all relationships we have deserve that honesty. This is how we nurture our relationships. We come to our friends, family, loved ones and simply tell them how it is. Because if we are honest with them, then the relationship will only grow stronger. And personally I think that’s what we are missing, what our relationships are lacking. We need to love those around us enough, to simply come to them as we are to come to the Lord, and tell them what’s up, ask for help, give advice. This will build unity among us, and maybe we can get closer to lives that the Lord would love us to live. So let’s move forward from here. And bring honesty to all of our relationships; this is going to be hard. Believe me I have some honest tasks ahead of me, and they scare me. But truth be told, every time I tell the truth this is a better outcome, than if I would have lied. And not only be honest with those around us, but if there’s something you need to tell someone, don’t waste our precious moment’s thinking about telling them. We all need to do it as soon as possible. If not, we are only impacting how great our futures the Lord has prepared for us will be.

Obviously, I was going to write one about Taylor at some point.

Should I really be writing a post about Taylor Swift? I’ve been debating this for a while now. It seems a little weird to do something like this. But I really feel like we need to take some time in our lives to realize what those around us are getting right in their lives, instead of worrying about others fails. When I think of Taylor Swift, I think of a compassionate role model. Here’s a girl who is currently 22, and do you see any scandalous tabloids? The answer will always be no. And why aren’t there any? It’s as simple as she is trying to glorify the Lord every day. If you don’t believe me fine, but maybe do some research before you come to that conclusion. It was a long time ago before anyone knew about her when I was on her personal myspace music page and she wrote about her life. It was amazing to see the things that were important to her. Even though that page is long gone, and she’s a household name all over the world, I know she is the same girl. How do I know? I take notes on the things she does. She was recently pranked on the punk’d show on MTV, instead to getting angry like other celebrities she was worried, almost crying, and most of all she kept her words and actions in check. Not a single horrible thing came out of her mouth, and I find that quite astonishing. She was given the perfect chance to mess up what others think of her, she didn’t know the cameras were around. And still nothing about her persona changed. This is a real girl we are talking about. Who writes songs about her life, her mother, nothing about chains and whips in those lyrics. Then there’s her acceptance of awards, she is always honestly surprised. And I get tired of others who think it’s insincere. Who are we to judge, last time I checked we don’t know her. She doesn’t go into a single situation, assuming that she is entitled to what she gets. And I think that is one of the biggest issues we have as a society today, we go into everyday situations thinking we have the right or we deserve this or that. When really we never do, I mean never ever do we deserve anything we receive. And finally the Kanye incident, did she do anything horrible in that moment? No, all she did was clasp her hand to her mouth and stand there. She even took the time to write a forgiveness song to Kanye. Have you ever heard it? It sounds like something Jesus would sing to us every day when we make mistakes. I guess what I’m getting at, is just because they are celebrities, presidents, people in congress, others from around the world, we do not have the right to judge them. We don’t know them, and even if we did, we still don’t have the right to put down the Lord’s creations. That’s like the biggest insult in the world, to a creator whom we love. Here’s a link to that song, its forgiveness factor is one the Lord pours out to us day in and day out and we should do the same to others around us


I don’t think we notice this often enough, be we are simply lacking compassion. Maybe we do notice it, but we aren’t changing our habits. I don’t understand how we can identify a problem, and just not fix it. It seems completely ridiculous, not wanting to fix the fixable things. Either way, if we notice our lack of compassion or not, it doesn’t matter because the issue remains. We go through our days and not consider others, okay fine that only seems a little horrible. But it gets worse, we see others and whatever they are doing we just don’t like it. And we just decide they are weird, or not someone I care to know. Who are we to think that? To make decisions about others like that? We don’t even know them. A fine example of this, I met a girl and from the start I found her annoying. That night I went home and was like, I’m sorry to say this Lord but I just don’t want to become friends with her. And this is something I do often but I just didn’t want to get to know her. I know I’m horrible, I see it to. The next week sure enough I run into her again and she takes about 30 minutes to tell me her life story. It was crazy, yes I still found her annoying, but she needed someone to talk to. And the Lord knew I could be that person for her. Who am I to decide, who should be in my life? I do not know what’s best for me. I do not know what tomorrow holds. And I need to stop taking this initiative, because He knows better. He definitely showed me who was boss that evening, and I thank him for that. Looking at the situation now we are still friends, and I love it. She may not be the coolest kid on the block, but it doesn’t matter. She is a child of God, I am a child of God. And I should have never tried to take away the love respect that she deserves. Each day I find that we need to enter each situation with the Lord in mind. Is this always going to be possible? Probably not, we fail quite often. But this is his life, not mine. And if we believe that his will shall be done, then we need to let him take the wheel. Carrie Underwood was right; Jesus needs to take that gosh darn wheel, before we crash our cars, otherwise known as ruining our own lives. We need to enter each and every moment with love and patience. If I go days without those actions, my life has no purpose. Nothing matters but the Lord’s will for our lives, so take some time today and figure out what he’s trying to do with you. Heck, take as much time as you need to figure it out. But when you do, make yourself some kind of reminder that wherever you go, you have a greater purpose that should be fulfilled in whatever you do.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


I know I'm such an expert. So you all would be coming to me for advice on love of course, I'm probably the first one that comes to mind when you need love advice. Sadly enough sarcasm is more my kind of thing. Fun fact #1: someone once told me I hid my intelligence behind my sarcasm, to this day I'm not so sure if I agree or not. But back on topic, I have a few problems with love. Mainly it revolves around how people treat it. So here I am watching the Today Show, which I personally lovelovelove. But then Kathie Lee and Hoda Kotb get to chatting about how many times they had fell in love. And they came up with answers around 4-5. Not only that bothered me, but then Kathie Lee mentions the first time she fell in love at 15 and that it had screwed her up for ten years and that she was thankful her daughter didn't have to experience that. Before I state my strong willed opinions, these are just my opinions and do not necessarily have any good reason for anyone to agree with me. But honestly, when we open our minds to fall in "love" multiple times, we give more reason for our future marriages to fail. I mean think about it, you are in "love" and that's great but when you fall in love and decide that's the person you want to marry you've already given a big part of yourself to another or others. You've opened your heart up to the possibility others being the one. You were in love and thought it would last and it didn't. I feel as if we need to be careful when we define our love. Guard it really. Really think about it and ask yourself is this really the true love. And I get it that's really hard to figure out, it's something you've never felt before, so you think you're sure but are you? There was a time when I thought I was in love. A time when I thought I'd had my first love and then my true one. I remember my doubts though, asking myself if I was sure I wanted to refer to it as love. I would go back and forth not sure what to call it. To find out, I just really cared about him, I had a love for him but I wasn't in love with him. That's the thing, we have to be sure that it's not only that we simply care for them deeply. But there needs to be more. I mean when you get down to it, love is compromise. You have to be willing to do anything and everything for that person, and I think that is how we should define love. Would we take a bullet for them? Or maybe stand by them on their hardest day? Even if that day ends up lasting years? Love is when you are willing to stay with them, when it's harder than hard. I just think saying we fall in love multiple times is a cop out, it's like giving ourselves an escape route and not knowing it. Because if it doesn't work out with them, then it's fine, I've been in love before and will be again. That just doesn't seem real to me, and I hope you find that person that you are going to stand by no matter what. And not the person that solely gives you butterflies, there needs to be more.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Late night thoughts.

The other day I couldn't help wonder why the Lord created us beings that sleep close to half a day during the night. So I got to thinking about the logical reasons for sleeping. There is the obvious rest and rejuvenation that through sleep we recieve. But thinking about this deeper I realized that there is no need for rejuvenation from sleep if the Lord didn't want us to experience that. So that's definitely a benefit but not the reason why we sleep. Then I came upon the idea that going to sleep at night is like a second chance. We go through our days and good or bad, sleep let's us start anew every single day. And this works perfectly for our existence. To give the glory to the Lord. Some days we mess up, but the great thing is each day ends. And with the end of each day we can go to our beds and rest, knowing that come the next day we can try again. We can fix the mistakes we made beforehand. I love this continuous second chance we recieve daily, and quite frankly it's really more often than just daily. But let's not take these second chances for granted, we were given them so that we would actually try to better ourselves. And we should go about each day doing just that.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Why me?

Do you ever go through a hard day and ask the Lord why me? Or better yet, I'm trying as hard as I can, and I'm trying to be as faithful to you Lord so why Lord why? I think we all have those days. The hard ones that seem impossible to get over. But then I got to thinking about Job. Here's a man in the Bible who did the right things always, where we don't. And what happened to Job? Satan told God that he thought Job would turn from the Lord if his world fell apart. And just like that the Lord tested Job, and his life as he knew it seemed to be over. He even contemplated why he was alive, why the Lord didn't take him along with his daughters and sons who had died. In this we see someone more faithful than we are, someone who strayed from sin as we tend to fall into sin daily. And we complain about our problems? Most of us don't have our whole families dying around us. We have things around us, more than anyone in the world has ever had. Do we ever remember that? We have more than any human being in the history of the world, and yet we continue to grumble about the smallest of issues. Not only this but we must consider. That like Job, the Lord is testing us daily. If things fall apart in our world, who do we turn to? How will we react? Job was faithful through it all, through the hurt, pain, depression, lost hope. So shouldn't we try to do the same? If we don't who wins? Evil previals in our moments of losing our faith in being able to see past this moment, for these moments have been described as shadows just passing phases that do not last.