Friday, August 3, 2012

The Big DP.

I feel as if everyone has their own opinion about the death penalty. And that does make sense, but sometimes I think we only give the situation our immediate reaction, we don't think the whole thing through. So that is what I will be trying to accomplish with this post. I will preface all of this by saying I realize fully what the death penalty accomplishes, it gives the communities and the affected families a sense of justice and security, but I feel we are called do more. To give a real situation I will use James Holmes from the Colorado movie theater shootings. This guy went to The Dark Knight Rises premier and shot about 50 different people killing around 12. He also boobietrapped his apartment in plans to kill others. So what do we think, does he deserve the death penalty? As you probably assumed I definitely don't think so. But that seems ridiculous right? I mean I should be thinking about what if that was a member of my own family? Well I have, and I still feel the same way. Here's the deal, I understand that he killed many. But we all also know an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. At the same time I don't think that's a good enough reason. So then we can remember that he may be crazy, he may have a mental illness. But of course most killers have to have something wrong in their minds to kill. So maybe that's not a good enough reason to feel the way I do. I guess maybe I love second chances, I love giving chances to those to don't deserve them. But why? Well the one who loves me the most, gives me as many chances as it takes in my lifetime. So shouldn't I feel that same love towards others around me, no matter the crime they commit? But it's not just that easy is it? But we need to remember that these people need help. They need to go to some sort of center and they need someone to work with them. They need help and we shouldn't' just give up on them so easily. My thoughts are that we need to treat all live equal. Each life is a life. My life is a life and it's not worth anymore than someone else's life. I'm not better than the one next to me, but we are equal. So if I want a second chance when I mess up, then I need to be willing to give the other that messed up the same opportunity. And I understand that in jail they aren't receiving the help I wish they could, there isn't always someone there taking an interest and trying to figure out how to make the killer recover. But I think we should add to the reasons why I don't' agree with the death penalty. Someone has to flip the switch, I'd be sitting here asking someone in this world to be responsible for the killer's death. And that's simply not right. It's also not my place to judge whether or not someone deserves to die for their actions. A sin is a sin is a sin, and why should I see it any differently. And I realize keeping those in jail costs a lot of money, but I am here saying that I know my money is worth keeping those that are not okay around and try to get them the help they need. The guy in Colorado was in trouble what kind I'm not sure. He may have some issues, from what I don't know. But what I do know is that when we give up on a life, the Lord doesn't smile down on us and say good job. If we instead give love to love around us, and I mean all of those around us. Then we show them the Lord's love, and what better testament of faith could we show to those in need of help. There really isn't any.

The Lumineers- Ho Hey

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