Friday, August 10, 2012

Harsh Words.

How many times in a day do you go around doing your thing and hear those around you talking trash about another? How many of those times have you been involved? And let's not pretend that within the last week we didn't say something mean about another. Because we did. And as Miss Norbury from mean girls would say, "We've got some girl on girl crime." And that is exactly what we need to stop ourselves from doing the next time we hear someone talking bad about someone we know and we want to chime in. I mean how many times is the shape of someone's body commented on in a negative light, and this kind of comment is unnecessary. Whether the body is too big or to thin, that is none of our business. And the only time that should be mentioned is if we are truly worried for the other, in those cases we need to come to them sensitively and privately to bring it up. But in no other circumstances should we make comments like that. They are rude, and really who wants to be rude? Or how often do we go around talking about our dislikes of others because they did this or that, or they act this way or the other. We need to stop, this negative energy is destroying us. It doesn't matter if you don't see them as intelligent or as too intelligent. It doesn't matter what we think of others. They are God's creation, and we need to respect that. We need to realize that we are all on the same level, and even if we don't notice our comments are putting them down. So let's think before we speak, before we ruin someone's perfectly sunny day. But I think we need to take this a step farther. Other's around us are still going to talk trash about those we know and those we don't. Whether we know them or not, we need to stand up for them. We need to come to their defense whether we think they deserve it or not. No one should be put down for any reason. And I encourage us all to stop those around us who are saying something, don't just back out of the conversation but say something. Like, " hey there is no reason why we need to be talking about someone that way let's just mind our own business and talk about our lives." I know this sounds like I'm  talking to five year olds. But the truth it we all hear it, we all say it. It's something obvious that we can control, so we should. You want to make the world a better place? Let's start with ourselves and our attitudes. This song below, I used to listen to all the time when I was younger. Once at a talent show a girl who was blind sang this, and it really speaks volumes, everyone deserves respect.
Mark Wills- Don't Laugh At Me

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