Friday, November 2, 2012

That Could've Been Me.

Do you ever have that realization that your life could have gone in a different direction, or you would be a different person today if an event big or small happened. You know those moments when you're completely amazed by what could have been. The reason I bring this up is that I am re-reading a book of mine. Which I do all too often, I'm in dire need of new literature. But sometimes before bed I like to read to help me sleep. And last night sitting there in bed it dawned on me. This book described a situation that could have been a circumstance in my life. And maybe that's what hurts the most, seeing a situation that could have been me and in some way should have been me. It's a scary situation to be reading a book and watching the character in the book react to their situations. And only to realize those emotions those situations are real. Real to so many people in this world, that is their heartbreaking reality. And you realize you are apart of that. And then we ask ourselves why it wasn't us, there are some in this world that ask why me. But I feel sometimes it is more important to realize that could've been you, you could have been the one suffering tremendously and you aren't. And then it's important for us to realize that there is a reason that those things didn't happen to us, and we need to remember to be simply thankful that we were given a better situation. We are all so blessed and I think we forget that all the time, everyday. Our lives could have taken a drastic turn, those people in our lives in their situations that could have been us. Sometimes it's hard for me to not dwell on how that could have been me but to simply just be thankful. The could have's aren't real. Once we recognize where we could have been we need to move on to where we actually are. And not where we want to be, what tomorrow will be like. But today, what kind of difference are we making? What are we doing with our time? Would we be proud if our lives ended at this moment, with our current actions and activities. The more we remember those questions, the more our lives can glorify the Lord.
Taylor Swift- The Moment I Knew
(This is a song from Red on the deluxe album, this is the saddest song of her 21st birthday party, seriously heartbreaking. But very relatable and beautiful).

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