Friday, November 30, 2012

There She Goes Again.

I got to thinking again today, a very reflective morning. And thought I would share my thoughts. Have you ever wondered why the Lord put men in the positions to be in charge of things like, family and blah blah. I feel like every girl I've ever known has asked herself and ladies around her, why? And that is exactly what I was thinking about this morning. Because it seemed to me the girls and women in my life were very decisive, great organizers, planners, and leaders. And maybe they all don't excel in all of these categories but honestly each female I know is great at one of the above listed traits. And when I think about the boys and men I know, I tend to realize that they have one track thoughts and cannot focus on too many different things at once. They are beings that excel in things that are on their minds at the moment. Where I see women as beings who think about many things all at once and  use deductive reasoning to make decisions. So then I asked myself why would the Lord have men as leaders? Then I remembered life is all about progress, and improving our skills. The Lord created women with complex minds that can be natural leaders, but with this gift he asked us to improve our patience as we give men the space to be the leaders. And he has asked men to step up and lead so they can work on their leading, organization, planning skills. He created us different for a reason, so that we could come together with our God given talents and acquired skills to work together. But with those differences we have to allow men to lead sometimes. And I guess this really pertains to marriage more than anything else. But we gain patience when we take a step back and patience is a very admirable trait. Something the Lord wants for us. He would never ask anything of us that would make our lives worse off in the end. When he asks us not to do certain things, he is only protecting us. In the end it is all for our own good. Sometimes I view life as strength training. We live our lives and go through trials to become stronger (closer to the Lord). So next time you find yourself in a situation where you know just what to do and the right decision to make. Remember that there are times where we should step back and let others make the decision. Whether they make the right or wrong decision it doesn't matter. You cannot expect someone to learn if they are never able to make a decision. We all need to learn from mistakes, and sometimes we need to allow others to go through that. Sending my best to all of you!

This song has the right amount of sass and darkness, loving all of it!
The Band Perry- Better Dig Two

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