Thursday, May 31, 2012


Okay so I was in math class, the best class ever. And I wasn't bored at all, I just had an accidental wandering daydream. To be honest I have no clue what it was about. Sorry about the intense build up. But what I do know it somehow related to sacrifice. But that's all I know. With this said even though I don't remember my Earth shattering epiphany. I do remember my thoughts on the subject. We have to make sacrifices everyday. We sacrifice our time to go to school and to do school work. We even sacrifice our sanity. This applies to all areas of life whether it's work, or being a parent, or even sacrificing our toys with a sibling. We give up what we have in order for something else to accomplished. Whether that's raising a child, making money to live, to graduate with a degree or for kindness. We only have so many hours in the day and we choose what to do with them. Many times we have to choose to do one thing over another. This is called opportunity cost. Bam, who knew I loved business and that economical stuff? We come to all our daily situations and decide what to do with our time, money, thoughts, and actions. We could have done something else but we made a choice to do whatever it is we are doing. What's the reason I brought this logical subject up for? Well I think daily we choose not to use our time wisely. And no I'm not talking about watching tv or playing video games instead of doing something productive. But I think we think about what we should do and what we want to do. And most of the time I think choosing what we want to do wins out. Of course this decision isn't always a bad one, I am all for having a little fun. But we choose to watch tv instead of pray. We choose to be lazy instead of reading our Bible. I think this is a BIG issue. We aren't making the right situations. We are too lazy for words, and I'm frustrated. Every time we make a decision we should consider the Lord. If we love our creator we are supposed to continuously worship him. Obvious aside, it shouldn't be a sacrifice of our time and effort. But let's think about our lives, do they demonstrate that praising the Lord is a sacrifice or our first instinct? Off of that serious note, let's listen to something riveting..

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