Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Bible. Bibllia.Bibel.

To be honest that I'm ashamed. There was a time when I didn't think I needed to read the Bible often. Or ever really. I do not know why I didn't read it, I just didn't feel like it and someone how to me that was a good enough excuse. Many people are in the same boat. It's either I don't have time, or I don't understand what it's trying to say. Well here we go ruining the world with excuses. Excuses are pathetic. And we need to stop. We do have time, we always have time. Even if we didn't we need to make time for what is the most important thing in our lives right? And if we don't understand it we have people we can talk through it with, and I don't know the powerful internet that has great sites to teach us. Maybe you don't want to read it. But if we don't we need to analyze why this is. What's going on in our hearts, minds, souls? What does God mean to us? We need to figure out why we aren't reading. Why we aren't fully educated on the faith that our lives revolve around. The Lord deserves praise and reading the Bible is a great start. It's not hard we all like to read if not love to read. I mean you're reading this right now aren't you? Which also means you have time for the Bible. Time to pray, time to care, give, and love. It doesn't have to be much, but we need to make sure we read it. And no not just glaze over it, but read it think about it, pray on it. And change our lives accordingly. Here's to glorifying the Lord in all ways we know how.

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