Sunday, May 27, 2012

Accidental Ignorance.

I have a feeling none of us want to feel like we are ignorant, ever. It's like the worst feeling for me personally but I think we do it daily. Not only do we not care about our surroundings or others around but we tend to ignore the Lord quite often. Let's ask a question, when was the last time you prayed? Or talked with God? Was it minutes ago, hours, days and I pray that it hasn't been weeks. But I'm assuming that it was far too long ago. And what do I mean by far? I think we should be checking in with him continuously, but I'm assuming you already know that's what he would love us to do. That's why I feel that we are being ignorant and not just simply ignoring Him. I don't think we do it on purpose, I just feel we don't do it because we tend to lead our lives thinking about the things we need to do each day. If someone is saving our soul, we should thank them day in and day out. We need to stop ignoring the Lord. Paying attention to our own lives isn't working for the greater good, and at the end of the day all of that effort doesn't get us very far. So I think our goal is to start each day and take ourselves out of the equation. And to remind ourselves in each situation what would the Lord want me to do, how can I please him to bring joy to me and those around me. Everything he asks us to do is for our own good, so if for no other reason we are crazy not to do the things he asks us to do. We will lead more fruitful and joyful lives..

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