Today the third single was released and it is the albums title song 'Red". This song describes the love she felt for this boy and then the heartbreak or losing him. This song has such beautiful, heartfelt, passionate lyrics. And describes the emotions we go through when we are falling for someone and having to get over them. What I love about this album, (that is coming out October 22nd! I'm just a tad excited) is the meaning behind all of it. It's about the color red. Which for Taylor describes all of the emotions we experience in relationships. But I like to take it a step further, red can describe the emotions we experience in all of our relationships. When we are angry, when we are loving and kind, I believe red can even describe the pain we experience.
And this album has got me thinking, have I been as loving to others as I could be? Have I been as caring as I think I am? So my goal for myself and for all of us consists of the simplest promise to ourselves. To remember in all social situations to show my red caring emotions to everyone. I am going to try and be that one positive person you wish would just shut up and come back down to reality. But truthfully we have no reason not to love everyone and all things around us. So let's be kind when we are tired, let's listen when we are busy, let's hang out when we have no time, and let's love with everything we have to give and love some more. Wishing you all the best, with love.
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