Well for starters not so surprisingly her real name is not LDR. But instead Elizabeth Woolridge Grant. This 26 year old girl sings songs in a creepy fashion and has a 50's-60's Americana feel. She was born in New York and raised by her investor father. At the age of 15 she was sent to a boarding school in Connecticut. And at 18 she came back to New York and decided to start singing at clubs for fun. At that point she didn't feel like taking music seriously as a career. When at first working in music didn't work out she decided to volunteer with Homeless outreach, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, which she continually helps with. Her first single Video Games had great response which came after October 2011.Not many know but this last January she was signed to the NEXT Model Management. These last few months she has spent her time doing a lot of writing.
Lana Del Rey- Video Games
(This is her first single, and you may not know but it's a love song)
Lana Del Rey- Born to Die
(Her most popular song that most have heard, I actually think this song speaks some truth. We are born to die, because death is just the beginning)
Lana Del Rey- Summertime Sadness
(I get this one, when summer "love" has to be over)
Lana Del Rey- Radio
( LOVE LOVE LOVE, this one, and don't pay attention to the silly video)
Lana Del Rey- Off to the races
(This has a funny feel, kind of hip hoppy)
Lana Del Rey-Carmen
(This one is especially creepy and dark)
Lana Del Rey- This is what makes us girls
(All of her songs are different, you never know what you're going to hear, love it!)
Lana Del Rey- Diet Mountain Dew
(This has a jazzy feel, she is wonderful!)
Lana Del Rey- National Anthem
(Watch this! She plays Marilyn Monroe, and Jackie Kennedy!)