Tuesday, June 12, 2012


I think we justify our actions and decisions too often. What I mean by this is, we will do something, say something, or think something and then compare it to what another did in a situation and think that we did better in that senario. All of this comes from a moral standpoint for me. I think that we look at what we think our moral code should be and when others fail to meet it we simply look at them and think we're doing better than them. I think this idea may be quite abstract and maybe you don't even understand what I'm trying to get across, but I'm trying. This thought came to me as I was falling asleep last night and it bothered me a lot. We spend part of our days thinking about others, which is great. And a side note to that would be if we don't spend part of our days thinking about others, I feel we are in great need for some change. But when we think about them what goes through our minds? That they are having a joyful day? That they are accomplishing what they're trying to get done? Or are we thinking about a mistake they made recently. And how we didn't do the same thing, so somehow we are better off than they are. We really need to catch ourselves in the action and stop this thought process. It's not fair to them, we all make mistakes, and maybe what they are doing isn't a mistake. Who are we to judge? We aren't allowed to do that really. So let's care for them but not in a way that we look down on them and what they do with their lives. Our small differences made will make an impact.
This song just came on as I was writing this and it's the perfect song to end with. Let's just say that I think the Lord is apparently here with me now.
Thompson Square-Glass

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