Sunday, October 20, 2013


I hope your days have been filled with *Summer joy and that you are relishing every last minute of this Summer break. I hope you are going on adventures and trying something new, and I hope most of all that wherever we go you are emitting kindness everywhere and to all of those that you encounter. I think sometimes we get too wrapped up in our worldly situations and circumstances and only focus on ourselves and our lives. But it must be such a tragic sight to see all of us so worried about our so called "busy" schedules, and then when we encounter the world each day and we leave behind the most important attribute we are to carry around. I think it's time that we need to asses ourselves and do it in such a way where we do not view ourselves through rose colored glass as we tend to do, but we need to give ourselves a brutally honest self-check. Are we kind when we walk out of the house each morning? Are we kind to our family each day, are we going out of our way for them as we should? Are we catching up with those friends that we have seen in a while to see how they've been doing? Are we sharing kindness to those we work with each day? Are we speaking in kindness each time we open our mouths? Are we reaching out to those we do not know and pouring kindness onto them? We are called to love on not just those we chose but ALL. So why do we forget to be kind? I know how hard it can be a stressful day at work, someone did something hurtful to you, you're tired/lazy/blah blah blah. I get it we are the masters of excuses. But asking ourselves to be kind isn't asking for much. That's the least we can do for all of those around us. So we need to forget how we feel and we need to put aside our own petty emotions to consider those around us. We need to love on everyone, listen to them when we don't want to, and help them when we'd rather focus on our own needs. I feel that if we are kind not only will we get back kindness from all of those around us, but we will feel more positive, and joyful. And no matter how many things that don't seem to go our way, that will all seem a bit circumstantial and we will be able to rise above it and see the bigger picture. But I feel as if this post is just reiterating all that I have said before. I just feel that we forget, we always forget about the others around us. There are so many different things thrown at us each day and we never remember that we need to stop look around and notice the other things around us and actually care about them. We need to think about others, pray for them, ask questions. We need to notice their needs before our own. We need to go out of our own way when they are joyful and when they are hurting. We need to love. Not just when we want to, or when it's convenient whenever we realize the need. We need to find reminders for ourselves to never forget, to love first.

Here's my latestDixie Jam..
Danielle Bradbury- The Heart of Dixie

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