Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Why do we only consider me me me?

We go through our days and ask ourselves, what do I feel like doing? What do I want to eat? What am I going to do in this situation? We are only concered with how we feel. And then I wonder why aren't we considering the Lord? I think about it like this, He has given us all the things around us and those yet to come. And we recieve that gift and never ask ourselves what would He want us to do with our days? If someone gave you a gift that was just simply amazing, and you didn't deserve it. Wouldn't you feel like I should do something for them, I should be there for them, help them with their struggles in life. So why isn't it the same with the Lord? We are blessed everyday and we don't give the thanks we should. It can always be as simple as doing an activity that you know He would love for you to participate in. Going outside your comfort zone for Him. I know that if we took this time and consideration with us everyday we would bring Him so much more joy than we ever have.

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