Monday, April 30, 2012

The worst word in the English Dictionary: Busy.

I may just be me, and I'm assuming it really is only me. But the word busy drives me insane.  I didn't realize this for a long time but one I realized it is the biggest excuse and lie many tell daily. We'll be in daily conversations and someone will ask what we are doing or what we have to do at a certain time. And we just ignore everything they say and simply reply back with " oh I have so much to do, I've been so busy lately." As if. Oh you're too busy to text them back but you checked facebook, took a nap, read a book, watched tv. Yeah so busy. Truth be told you're just lazy. And it's not like we can't multitask. You can do two things at once right? Take two seconds out of your day and get back to them. But that's not the only time where we are oh so busy. But someone asks you to do something and you are oh so conveniently busy. We can find time, we always can find time. I don't care if you are finding a cure for cancer, you can find time. And if the time they ask to see you really doesn't fit your schedule. Give them another time. We need to stop this horrid laziness. And get down to the real meaning of life. Let's not close ourselves off and hide from the world. Spend time with those around you, give them the time of day. Whether they are your favorite person in the world or not. They deserve that much from you.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Compassion for others

I think this branches off of the post about me me me. But why don't we care for others as we know we should? Why aren't we trying harder with our relationships? I have this idea that each week or even each day we need to remind our selves to care about others. Eventually it comes naturally but even then sometimes we need to remember to consider those around us. When someone asks us to do something, would we rather just stay at home and watch a movie? Or are we too busy? What I have to say to that in the nicest way possible, is we need to stop the excuses. It's absolutely ridiculous. We need to take time out of our lives, and remember to ask those around us how they really are, find out their struggles, listen to their stories. When someone asks us to do something we need to do it. And if we can't when they ask find another time. I mean goodness we want to be kind loving, caring, helpful people. So we should start acting like it. Let's not even wait for that person to contact us. But let's do something about this. Let's go out and make plans with them. Make disciples, that's what we are to do right? Then that's what I'm going to try to do. Make life mean something at the end of the day. Because no matter how many years we were educated, what degree we got, what career path we chose, what clothes we have, what awesome activities we do. It means nothing at the end of the day without the Lord and those around us. It's just never going to be that important, unless we start doing what we were called to do.


We don't we pray as much as we should? I mean we are supposed to pray without ceasing. So why don't we? Well we forget to, we get too wrapped up in our lives. Not very good excuse. We don't know what to pray about, are you kidding me, everything. There are more but I'm too lazy to think of them. But that's where our prayer problem starts we are too lazy. We need snap out of it. I've made a rule for myself, and yes it may seem unorthodox, but hey we can pray however we choose. So everytime I'm in a car, I pray for those driving on the road, walking along the road, and those in this world. It's weird I get it, but it's me, so no one's suprised. We need to care about the others around us, and their daily struggles. We need to stop being so self centered. Everyone has trials daily and they need prayer. I read something on pintrest a few weeks ago and it has hit me," what if you woke up tomorrow with only the things you gave the Lord thanks for the day before?" I mean imagine, we'd have very few things if anything. Prayer is one of the best things for our relationships with the Lord. We all know communication is key. So let's let our relationship's with the Lord grow, let's come simply to talk with him. He's the one thing that will save us, and be there for us no matter what at the end of the day.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Why do we only consider me me me?

We go through our days and ask ourselves, what do I feel like doing? What do I want to eat? What am I going to do in this situation? We are only concered with how we feel. And then I wonder why aren't we considering the Lord? I think about it like this, He has given us all the things around us and those yet to come. And we recieve that gift and never ask ourselves what would He want us to do with our days? If someone gave you a gift that was just simply amazing, and you didn't deserve it. Wouldn't you feel like I should do something for them, I should be there for them, help them with their struggles in life. So why isn't it the same with the Lord? We are blessed everyday and we don't give the thanks we should. It can always be as simple as doing an activity that you know He would love for you to participate in. Going outside your comfort zone for Him. I know that if we took this time and consideration with us everyday we would bring Him so much more joy than we ever have.