You'll always have it better. One moment you believe your day can't get any worse then it does. Then you believe this is the worst day I've had in quite a while. And why me, I mean come on I'm out here trying to do the right thing, at the right time, with the right words. I'm living and breathing kind I mean come on. Then you'll hear a story of someone just like you dying, all of a sudden no reason no rhyme no forewarning. Or so you think. Truth is, we aren't great we don't do great we don't deserve the best because we aren't. Does that mean we should stop trying of course not. We need to step outside of ourselves, our day was just a day. Bad or Good just a day. We live we breath, we cry we smile. At the end of the day we try our best and what more can we do? Try harder tomorrow, because someone else has it worse, everyone else also hurts, and all of those around us. They deserve our best day in day out, so we can carry them when the load is too tough.
let's love and love some more.