On a side side side note: I may have experienced a wonderful blessing today. One that I wish I could shout out to the world. Honestly the Lord delivers, in all sorts of ways. If you know me, then you know I don't really passionately care about too many things. There are things I enjoy but most of the time I try to keep a calm, casual, not too invested vibe. It's not because I do not love the things of this world, I just don't like to get too attached. Because I know I so easily could, and I need to daily remind myself to keep my eyes on something greater. But I can't help but love Taylor Swift. And respect the image she has created for herself. For months now I have been trying to get a hold of her concert tickets. With countless trail and error, I had lost a lot of the hope I held just a few months ago. I tried for the pre-sale tickets and missed out, I tried for regular seats and could get them fast enough, then those who bought the tickets were selling them for ridiculous prices. I just wanted this one thing and I was frustrated. So when I found out I could sign up for Taylor Swift pit tickets as part of her fan club, I was on that like nobodies business. And I waited for the email to come where I was selected to buy the pit tickets. Well today the email came and after an hour of my Internet shutting down and down again. I managed to buy the tickets. The Lord has blessed me even in the most earthly ways. Because if I had bought any other tickets I wouldn't have the privilege to stand right in the stage area, the closest one can get without actually being Taylor Swift herself. I don't get excited about many things, but this I am more than excited for. So here's to the 4 month wait till I see Taylor Swift, practically face to face. I will most definitely cry. But I can wait patiently because summer hasn't started and I really don't want to think about it ending quite yet.
As excited as I feel, I hope you can find the same excitement, in your daily life and in your spiritual. And I most definitely hope the two coincide. For now I leave you with my personal favorite pump up jam of the moment!
Taylor Swift- 22